The hat washing thread set me to wondering about other fly fishing “superstitions” are held near and dear by fly fishermen. (The quotation marks are there because we all know that to those who hold them, so-called “superstitions” really are rules of the cosmos, not to be violated.)
Personally, I’m not the most superstitious person out there, but if I had to list one it would be…well…dang, I guess I’m just not superstitious…I can’t think of one. At least not related to fly fishing.
For me there is one. If I have plans to fish I feel I must get up an hour or two before the sun. Even if I don’t fish until the afternoon. If I don’t I loose my desire to fish that day. It’s been like this since I was a kid.
Nets are bad juju.
Just carrying one implies that you believe that you’re going to catch a fish so large that you’re going to need it.
Such smugness is the kiss of death, you might as well go bowling
“Mojo” comes from what is UNDER the hat. If you’re not catching fish, its time for an adjustment of what’s under the hat. A smelly ol’ hat might attract bugs (kinda like chumming ), but to be proud of stink takes a special person.
I ain’t askeerd of no mojo, bad luck, “fish gods”, etc. My faith gets reserved for where it is deserved.
Never shave the day of a fishing trip. The shiny chin scares fish away.
If you’re fishing from a boat for any reason, you MUST stop and get donuts. Otherwise, expect to get skunked.
I’m not sure why, but I won’t wear a new shirt on a fishing trip. I got one of those fancy nylon cool-max, vented, fat pocket, swiss tab shirts for Christmas. Had to wear it to work one day and wash it. Only then would I wear it on the water.
I’m not superstitious, but I can guarantee that if you are fishing with me, and hook a nice fish, and I dig out the camera, you won’t land that fish. If I wait until it IS landed, it works fine.
Oh, and there was that steelhead victory dance thing I used to do…
i kiss the 1st fish ,spit on beginning fly…and wear one of two bonnie hats both were with me or on me during the war …gottta be luck an divine intervention …with a small eagle feather somewhere on me …