Youngster wants to start tying

My 10 year old Cody wants to start tying his own. I have been flyfishing for years, but have never gotten into tying due to many other hobbies… But he loves fishing

I guess we need a starter or beginners kit that won’t break the bank. Any recommendations or suggestions? We have been looking on ebay a little for possibly a used starter set, and I posted here on Things Wanted and Fly Tying…

Most kits I’ve seen are way too expensive for the quality of the tools in them. Go to Hook & Hackle (a Sponsor) and buy the basic tools. If you start with thier AA vise you can get the basic tools for around $30.00.

Al Campbell (the wonderful late) wrote a super article on kits for beginners. Try this:

Many years ago, Orvis use to sell a video called something like “Save a Worm, Tye a Fly”. This was designed to teach kids how to tye a basic fly – they may still have it only now in DVD. It gave basic kid friendly instructsions. I would also second the suggestion to buy some reasonable gear and avoid the cheap kits.

I bought a basic kit from cabelas for $29, its not grat, but I can tie flies on it.


My 10 year old daughter has been tying for a few months. I bought a used Regal vise on ebay. The vise is easy for her to set the hook by herself, and I figured I could sell the vise relatively easy if she ended up loosing interest. I started her on a wooly bugger, caddis pupa, san juan worms, and zebra midges. She has done well and is now following the many patterns available on you tube. Your son will have fun with it and it is amazining how focused kids can be with this type of activity.


Check your local fly shop for lessons. It will get him started on the right foot and they will make recommnedations on what to buy to get started.