Anyone know if the number of visitors to Yellowstone NP is higher, lower or about the same as last year?
My son and I just got back from 10 days in Yellowstone. I wasn’t there last year but was the year before. Definately less crowded this year than 2 years ago. We were there the same time (first 2 weeks of July) both times.
Like most times in Yellowstone (this was my 4th) if you get 1/2 mile off the road, it’s like you’re Jim Bridger trekking through the mountains for the first time.
It was rare for my son and I to see other people once we got about 1/2 to 3/4 miles off the road.
Usually the ole’, " 1000 paces away from where you parked" will totally change your perspective on any fishing experience.
I just put 10 rocks in my pocket and throw them down for every 100. Then I know where to start fishin’.
Glad you guys had a nice time at Yellowstone.
The visitor stats for June actually set a record. I do not go down to the Park too often in the summer, but this year I did take a few day trips. The roads seemed just as crowded, with plates from all across the country.
A buddy from back east is getting to the Park tomorrow, so I’ll be headed down there for a couple days over the weekend. I have been down to Gardiner a few times in the past week and the crowds there look as big as ever. I’ll find out for sure when we get to the second and third meadows on Slough Saturday.
What about the Southwest corner, that’s where we’re going in August. Seems to get little traffic…Idaho entrance… Anyone know much about that area of the park? We fished Slough last year and are going to the opposite end this year. Thanks in advance!
I have not been in the park for several years, but I have fished outside the park the past few years. When I did visit the park I recall the park employees telling us you can use the general rule that crowds build to the 4th of July and then decrease until school starts. If you don’t mind dealing with cool weather, before or after school starts is the best time to visit the park.
Dr Bob
We’re going to be there the first week in August. Please keep this thread going so we get the lastest info.
I agree with jeffnles, when we were there the fourth week of June there were a lot of people but not many fishing and with a little leg work we fished virtually alone. I will say the Firehole had quite a few fishermen but this was at a time when it was really the only “name” river to be fishing well. The places we fished may have been considered marginal fishing but compared to what we have in Ohio they were more fishable than what we are used to. This is our second year in Yellowstone and the smaller streams just don’t seem to attract many people. Our farthest walk was a half mile. Good luck and when you do fish, please post pictures and a report.
I’m fishing the NE corner Aug 3-11 and will let you know how it goes.
Anyone fished Tower Creek below the falls near the Yellowstone?
The Southwest corner of the park is quite romote from the rest of the park. It’s a beautiful area, and the fishing is usually great, if you’re not looking for monsters. There are areas where you have to cross Fall River, which you may want to check out before you go, to see what the water flows are like. Should be ok. Two things you must not go without. Camera, and skeeter dope. They grow em’ big in the Bechler area. Here’s the link to my nephew’s website, which shows some video of his horsepack trips into the area. Click on Photo Galleries, and look at the one that says Yellowstone/Bechler. He’s an outfitter, and there’s some other good videos that you may want to grab a look at, of the west side of the Tetons. Have a great trip!
And the Fall River / Bechler River drainages are definitely grizzly country. Prepare any way you see fit.
What John said!!!