YAHOO! All Maggie has to do is say YES!

I am BURSTING! When I got off work tonight, I got a call from youngest daughter Maggie’s boyfriend Ryan, asking for my blessings as he wants to propose tomorrow night at his folks home. He lives 80 miles away in Zanesville. After doing as any fine Irish Dad would do by saying “HELL NO!!”, I explained to Ryan that I could not have custom ordered a better & finer Son-In-Law. Both he & Maggie teach, they both earned degrees at Muskingum College…to mention 3 Alumni…John & Annie Glenn & Jack Hanna (the zoo guy!). In addition to all our Grandchildren & other family being crazy about him, he shoots a pretty decent game of pool (fairly even with me), is willing to try fly fishing, likes all my sports teams, but most of all, ADORES that little girl of mine!..Plus he is a TWIN…maybe MORE multiple births!!..Twins?..Triplets?..Fourplets? (even Kusse couldn’t match THAT “quad”!)
Am I HAPPY?..maybe a little…:rolleyes:
I can already see 10 Grandchildren in the future. WOW!!!

Now we just have to wait and see if she says yes…

That’s a “no-brainer”! These two kids are nuts about each other.

We ALSO have to wait and see, if he’s as smart as you claim he is, Mikey… if he comes to his senses and realizes the ONE IN-LAW he’ll be stuck with, should he wed your lovely daughter!?! (and it AIN’T her mother!).
Please, also keep us all informed as to the “reply” you receive when informing your daughter; “You expect HER to spring forth with TEN children, for YOUR enjoyment”!??!

Hey “bright eyes”…She only has to make 3 Grandbabies!..I already HAVE seven!!..& “STUCK with”??..He has already been in “the dog house” WITH me (more than once)…a sure sign that he is a quick learner!!

That’s really exciting, no wonder you are over the moon. Best wishes!


Thanks for sharing what only a father feels, it brings back some good thoughts.


So, you FINALLY let your daughter date…and NOW LOOK WHAT HAPPENS!! :p:p

Considering that Mikey WENT ON, every, single, date the poor girl HAD with this fine gent, it’s amazing they managed to get THIS far!?!
I can’ wait to hear the screaming, whinging, moaning and tantrum throwing, that’s going to take place when Mikey finds out, he’s NOT invited on their honeymoon!
(Sadly, Mikey, they won’t be thinking “Bluegill fishing”, probably, so you might as well stay home, anyway!?)

Congrats Mikey! We know he’s in when he makes the Fudge!!!
See ya soon

That’s great news buddy! We are happy for all of you!:smiley:

Congrats Mikey;
It sounds like you have a great addition to the family. BUT I’d be very suspiscous if he is telling you that he likes all the same sports teams as YOU !! LOL LOL

Actually, I DID slightly mis-state that. He LOVES the Cleveland Browns & Cavs, OSU Buckeyes, but his baseball team of choice is the Cincinnati Reds…can’t say I blame him either! I’m old & stupid enough to CROAK rooting for my Indians (who have now lost 10 straight!).