The warm weather we had lately melted most of the snow we had and blew out the ice in several small rivers. I even detected some small amount of thawing & refreezing in my favorite municipal lake. I’ve tied a few dozen flies for fish large and small and am ready to go out there soon in fervent pursuit of the finny denizens of the deep.
Here in Idaho the only thawing and refreezing is occuring in my refrigerator… Oh well, it will happen someday - soon?
Past two days have climbed up just over 60 for an hour or two even though o’cast and breezy.
I should find myself out on the water somewhere tomorrow.
Unless you go fishing, Kelly. Then its ice in the guides thawing out sticking the rod in the river then ice in the guides thawing out sticking the rod in the river then ice in the guides thawing out sticking the rod in the river … if you don’t believe me, ask the fish, because …
Temps in the low to mid 40s early turning to cold and snow. I know at least 1 place with thawed water and hope to throw some flies midday Tuesday.
If I’ve mentioned this before forgive me please. I have just bought a new Jon Boat and am in the process of getting it set up just like I want, or at least think I want it to be.
Anyway, I am dying to get this boat on the water to see how it feels. I think it’s the perfect boat for me. Here it is naked
I think I’ll go stare at it in the garage for a bit:lol:
Don’t worry, it’s not naked anymore!
Hehe, been doing that the last two days.
A week and a half ago, a week long warm spell opened up several areas on many Nebraska lakes. Some lakes completely opened up. Then reality hit, temps dropped and an inch of snow an hour fell for 8 hours on Friday. Some lakes locked back up, making it impossible to to do any type of fishing. ice, crane and cable, fly…
I’ve been prowling around looking for open water, fishing open spots and lake outlets. I don’t have anything special to show for it, just dink crappie, gills and bass. But yesterday, I drove past a lake that gets stocked with trout in the fall and spring, It has an acre of open water, and I plan to fish it tonight!
I got my first crappie on the fly on Sunday. it was only 5", but hey, small fish are better than no fish.
We had a breif warm-up that made ice conditions on the local lakes somewhat suspect…but reports from a few of them are still measuring 8"-12" of ice. The top several inches are often honey-combed, but there is still about 6" of good solid clear ice below that.
And now its cooled off again. We’ll probably be making more ice than losing ice over the next 10 days.
The rivers are open, however. Spillway areas might be good places to try fly fishing right now. Rumor has it that one of our Wisconsin members went out and caught some carp on flies about a week ago!
Our days have been getting longer for almost 2 months now…winter can’t hold out much longer!
Winter has finally started in N Calif… we are finally getting hammered with some rain… unfortunatly it is hardly making a dent in the drought… but we will take what we can get.
Don’t I know it, but this is my favorite time to get out.
Optimist! What makes you so sure?
Okay confession time… how many times have you watched that video in your link? :mrgreen:
The ice-anglers are giving it up for the season now. Still not a lot of open water yet, but the ice just can’t hold out much longer.
Although the latest reports on a nearby lake suggested
11"-12" of ice just 2 days ago…
Went out last friday on the Guadalupe River , the high that day was almost 90 degrees. Woke up saturday morning to 35 degrees and 30 plus m.p.h. wind. Saw only one brave or maybe desprate person on the river. Only in Texas.
Yep…almost over here, too. Just had 15" inches of snow 2 days ago
I have it on a constant loop, it’s playing now!
Indeed. At boot camp at Lackland Nov '66, leet in the morningmarching to the chow hall, red flag in the afternoon.
Winter has definitely loosen up its grip in N. Indiana. We hit mid 60’s the last two days. Although it is going to be a little cooler though out the week end and next week it was nice to get out into the yard in shorts and a tee shirt! I know better to think we will not get popped again by a cold front before its all over, but the worst is behind us.
The weatherman gave us a few more days of thawing weather this week but now on the weekend he’s giving us rain, some ice and more snow. I guess this is what follows three days of good weather…
Well here in central Virginia winter is losing it’s grip, albeit slowly. On March 20 I picked up a 2.5 lb bass 10’ deep in 17’ of water (not on a fly rod). Surface water temperatures were running around 40 degrees. In my experience, fishing starts getting interesting when the surface temperature hit 46 degrees. After that the weather turned cold and rainy and I couldn’t buy a strike. The lake behind the house froze over again then melted and last Mondays 10-12 inches of snow and near single digit night time temps froze the lake for the third time this winter. Many winters it doesn’t even get a skim of ice.
Yesterday our temperature rose to 70 degrees briefly and it was windy. Today it’s supposed to be mid 70s and light wind and tomorrow the temperature is supposed to hit 80. I’ve got company coming over for lunch and I plan to fish this afternoon when they leave. I’ve seen fry in the shallows and the turtles are sunning themselves. These are good signs and I’m guessing I’ll find the crappie starting to feed and in a week or so the bluegills will be thinking about breaking their winter fast.
It may just be faith but I really think winter is losing it’s grip here in central Virginia.
Now for a question - I just started working at Southside Community college at their Ft. Pickett location. I’ve heard great things about the ponds and lake on base. Has anyone fished them? Also curious about fly fishing Briary Creek Lake about an hour away. I keep hearing stories about limit catches of bluegills that average around a pound. Just typing the words gets my adrenaline up - I can’t imagine dozens of one pound bluegills on a fly rod in a single trip.