Winston VSL

I’m thinking about adding a 5wt to my arsenal and am currently looking at the Winston VSL. Any experience with this? Pros and cons?

Sorry I can’t help you with any personal experiences but I did see some reviews out there on different websites. You also might want to ask the same question on the Winston Forum.

If all else fails, head an hour east to Cabela’s in Hamburg considering there are no local dealers in your neck of the woods any more. I’m pretty sure they have them. If you are REALLY in the mood to drive, head to the Valley Forge Convention Center on Saturday or Sunday for the Fly Fishing Show. I know there will be at least two Winston dealers there; TCO and AA Outfitters.

Good luck!

That is fantastic news as my brother in law and I are going to the convention center on saturday. Will check out the Winston Forum also…thanks Bamboozle…

If I was you I would call both of those dealers and ask them to bring what you are interested in.

Have fun!