Anybody out there have any opinions about the BIIX series rods?
I have the chance to pick one up in a trade{8’6" 5wt.} and I don’t have a fly shop close where I can demo it.
I have to take a run down this weekend and try one out,but at the price of gas I don’t want to drive 150 miles
to wave a club around.
I have a firend who is on the Winston pro-staff and, therefore, I’ve had the opportunity to cast & fish most of the 3, 4, 5 and 6 weight Winston BIIx rods.
In my opinion the 8’6" 4 weight, 8’6" 5 weight and 9’ foot 6 weight are the best rods in the Winston BIIx series. The 8’6" 5 weight that you’re considering is an excellent streamer rod (I’ve fished it extensively fished with a Teeny 130 sink tip line), as well as, a great dry fly rod (I’ve fished flies down to size 24 & 26 flies on 15 foot 7x leaders for 20"+ browns with this rod).
Although Winston advertises the BIIx rods as having a fast action. to me they seem to have more of a medium fast action which is well suited to most anglers casting styles.
I hope this ehlps.
Think of it as having a strong butt with a soft tip.
You will love it. I have a 9’ 6wt and a 9’ 9wt and they are awesome. The 6 handles streamers with ease and lays out a 24 bwo with delicacy.
I have three of them, an 8’6" 3 wt, a 9’ 6 wt, and a 9’6" 7 wt. The 3 wt is an absolute dream, and I have taken fish up to 6 lbs on it without any problem at all. The 6 wt is a great nymphing rod, and also handles streamers with authority. The 7 wt is my lake rod and also is used for fall steelhead. This last October I landed a 27 lb King Salmon on it, after some 30 minutes of tough going in heavy water; I felt as if I’d been arm wrestling with Sylvester Stalone. As Gramps says, “strong butt with a soft tip.” All of this is said by someone who normally prefers bamboo, or a Winston IM6.
Bottom line, go for it a you won’t be dissapointed.
I have a 9’ 6wt and absolutely love it. I didn’t think I would as I am a huge fan of their original, WT, IM6 rods (I have 5 of them).
I have used a full sinking line with it to through streamers, and a WF floating line and I just think it’s a fantastic rod. I have never been a fan of Sage rods as I don’t like fast rods. But the Winston Boron rod just feels nice.
I would suggest casting the 9ft version along side the 8’6’’ version.
That way you wont end up with a rod you may not like as well.