Window of Opportunity TR

Nymph fishing is a noble pursuit but it’s time to see what dries have to offer so I head to a place (not THAT PLACE) where skwalas should be out and about, maybe a March Brown or two, and it won’t cost me more that a quarter tank of gas.

They’re calling for showers/thunderstorms but what do they know (a lot, as it turns out)

The rain we’ve been getting the past couple days frosted the tops over here

Supposed to be decent; may have to bring the kayak over here some time

This will be legal in 10 days and there are some nice fish up in this stretch

Spot a dozen of these

This is where things get interesting

Water is up and chilly but clear; they may not be looking up right away, but patience is a virtue, yes?

Not much happening early on but the sun pops in and out between showers/thunderstorms and warms things up a bit. Bugs get active (sorry for the blurry pic but the little bugger wouldn’t hold still for a decent pic)

The window opens up

And foam is back on the menu

It stays relatively busy for about an hour; not tight to the bank but definitely in the softer stuff

And then it shuts down. March Browns come out but no one seems interested; give it another week and things should pick up. Give it 10 days and the big bugs may be out.

No elk today but lots of these

Pretty spread

Pretty clouds

Pretty much done
