Wiese's Four Feather Nymph

On page 33 of the Nov/Dec issue of “Fly Rod & Reel”, Mr. Wiese describes his recipe for the “Four Feather”. The Wingcase calls for “Pheasant tail over gold, root beer or copper Kyrstal Flash”. Can any tell me how this is done? Is the Krystal Flash wound around the thorax over the peacock herl then followed by the PT wingcase? ? It’s difficult to tell from the picture in the magazine.

This may not help you much but the first link shows a good photo of the fly and they explain a little about it. By the way, go down almost to the bottom of the page to find it.


The next link shows the recipe for the fly. There should be a picture but it wasn’t being displayed.


Larry :smiley: —sagefisher—

I have been posting this fly on several other forums…IT IS A ONE CAST FLY!

I even used this pattern in a recent swap.

I tie mine with the Gray Ostrich as recommended.

For the wing case… tie the tail, the ostrich, and ribbing half way up hook. Now, I take one strand of Copper Flashabou, fold it in half and tie it just infront of the ostrich. I now have two strands on each side. I now tie in the Pheasant tail the same as I do with a PT. Then Peacock. Now I fold the Pheasant tail over and tie it down, then pull the two strands of Flash up right next to it.
I then do a figure 8 to separate the two sides.


here is mine:

I think you tie in the krystal flash as a wing case, followed by the p.t. Don’t know how the k.f. shows then, though.

The KF is pulled of to the sides to act as legs. Very nice pattern.

thank you all. It’s clearer now as “herefishy” says, the KF is beneath the wingcase and fastened down at the head to draw the KF back to imitate legs.

Hi Fly Goddess: That is a buggy looking nymph. I’m going to tie some up. Why do you call it a “one cast?” Is that because it cathes fish on the the first cast? The 4-feather fly is also a good tie.

Absolutely, at least it has for me.

Fly Goddess, what size hook do you normally tie this pattern on (like the one in your picture)?

I just noticed this topic (googled my own flies).

The wingcase is indeed Krystal Flash then pheasant tail. I use less PT than I would if it was the only material, so it spreads out atop the flash slightly when secured, allowing the flash to show through. Usually I clip all but one or two strands of flash on each side to prevent the legs from being too bulky.

I use Dai-riki 060 hooks for the fly, from 12-18. Usually 12 is best in high/dirty water and 16-18 later in the season. I’ll sometimes substitute an amber glass bead for the metal bead, especially when I expect to use the fly as a dropper under a light dry fly that might not support the heavier bead.

I actually find myself using the Shimmer Nymph more often now.

Sorry Dave, Just noticed this also. I tie them in 12, 14 and 16 Nymph hook with longer shank.

I didn’t have the ostrich herl so I tied a few of them up with gray squirrel tail in size 12 with Mustad 3906B. We’ll give a swirl this season in NY

So basically you made a THREE Feather rodent…or a Three Feather ROCKY:D
(Rocky and Bulwinkle;))