WI and MN fly box

i was wondering what you guys think should be in my fly box for trout fly fishing in Wi And Mn?


Pheasant tails
BWO emergers
Hare ear

Mickey Finn
Wooly Buggers- black and olive
Muddler Minnows

what do you think i should add?

You have a great start Deon. When I was looking for ideas I found it helpful to use a hatch chart. Hatch charts tell you what insects are likely to be available to the fish during what times of year. This is one for Wisconsin: http://www.theflyfishers.com/trout_hatch_chart_info.php?id=5&osCsid=afde0d8e7c050c7f0d083bdbfea63d64 You should be able to find different ones with a simple Google search under hatch chart and the state that you are considering. Remember these are general guidelines and even though this is one for the whole state the specific insects at the time you fish will vary by location not only in Northern and Southern parts of the state but vary down to even specific waters. The hatch charts are a good starting point for new fly suggestions, good luck and welcome to the board.


Are we talking the Driftless? If so, here’s probably how I’d start

Mayfly Dries:
Adams 14 - 20
BWOs 16-22
Sulphurs 10-20
Tricos 20-24
Hexagenia 6-8

The BWO’s will take care of the BWOs, the Sulphurs will handle everything from size 10 Light Cahills to size 20 Sulphurs. The Adams can probably take care of anything in between. If you’re up at dawn, Tricos will start happening around mid-July. On the other hand, if you’re willing to fish in the dark, the Hex’s will come off in mid-June or so.

Caddis Dries:
Tan and Olives: 14-20
Black: 16 - 20
Gray: 16

Griffith Gnats size 18-22

Mayfly Nymphs:
GRHE (various shades) 10 -14
PTNs 16-22 (wouldn’t hurt to do some with pheasant tail dyed in olive and black)
Hex Nymph (they work during the day prior to the hatch at night)

Caddis nymphs:
Mercer’s Z-wing pupa:14-18
La Fontaine Emergent Sparkle Pupa (various colors) 14-18
La Fontaine Deep Sparkle Pupa (various colors) 14-18
Czech Nymphs 10-12 (Olive, tan)
Peeking (cased caddis): 10-14

Other “nymphs”:
Pink Squirrel - #10
San Juan Worms - Pink, Wine, Tan Brown (every farm kid knows to fish worms after a rain, you should too!)
Scuds in Tan, Olive, Pink, and Orange sizes 12-18

Partridge and Olives: 14-20
Partridge and Yellows: 14-20
Starling & Herls: 16

Terrestrials! I catch more fish on terrestrials than on anything else. I like to start right after the MLB All-Star Game
Ants: 16-20, winged and unwinged
Beetles: size 14 (lots of people go smaller). I tie mine in foam
Crickets: Size 12 and 14 (2xl)
Hoppers: Size 10 (2xl)

I find crickets work better earlier in the terrestrial season while hoppers work better later.

To tell the truth, I’ve never used a streamer in the Driftless. On trips East and West definitely, but never in the Driftless. The streams are so narrow that it seems impossible.

i would love to fish the driftless, there is a webiste called, thirdyearflyfisherman or fly fisher.com and the guy on there fishs that i looks very challenging i wish that guy, would have more shows porbably on of the few series that fly fish wi. the shows make me want to try that. i will probably load up with the stuf you told me about both of you.


Where are you fishing? New Richmond doesn’t look that far from the Kinnickinnic or the Rush.

i fish the willow, the rush and the kinni.

I thought the Kinni was considered part of the Driftless.

It’s been about 4 years since I’ve fished the Kinni. I used to have a fly fishing client in Minny. We’d always devote a day in early April and hit it by the Mickey D’s. Sweet!

Which reminds me…the black and gray caddis in size 16 can handle the early season stoneflies.

I’m heading up for the first time this season tomorrow night. Hopefully the rain won’t be too bad.

i ordered all those flies, that you told me to get steven. thanks for the information.

Fished the Kinni and the Rush…very different streams and different approached. The Kinni is pretty small and the Rush has great big water (some unwadable near the Ellsworth area). the Kinni has nice normal trout and the Rush, fished at night and the right time of the year, can produce to very!!! big browns.

yes it can i have hear of that of the rush, i have meet my dean ( not to goood of a thing) and he was telling me about how i need ot acceleate a bit better of my studies, in which i have done. anyways, after that the guy out of random asks me what i want to do after i get out of college and i was like well right now i am going and taking forestry, but my favoite thing to do is fly fish, and he was like no way and i love that sport to and he was the one that talked me into getting into fly tying. so yeah. i have fished the ush 2 and the kinni 1. what flies would you recommend?