Seveal of you have asked,
“What on Earth made you move to Tennessee?!”.
Well, today,November 2nd, it was 75 with clear blue skys. I fished the Elk River from 1 pm. till sunset. Caught 12 nice trout and it’s going to be the same tomorrow! We get 60+ days in Dec & Jan also.
I used to travel 8 miles (1 way) over mostly dirt roads to get to the grocery store. It was 30+ miles to the nearest Wally World, K Mart, or Lowe’s. My utility bills were…ugh!! My favorite river was 50 miles away. Closest fly shops were in Baldwin 38 miles West.
I still live “In the country” but only have 3 miles of paved road to travel to the gorcery store. Lowe’s is 5 miles and Wally World is somewhere in between. My utility bills are about 75% lower. Now my favorite river is 17 miles away and the fly shop is 14.
Very nice people here and I’ve made a lot of good fast friends.
The Summer can be a little tough fishing as it does get hot and humid but I’ve learned were to park my car so it’s in the shade when I decide to quit for the day.
And, if I were in Michigan I’d be sitting here, not having done a thing all day, not writing this!! Instead I’m sitting here writing this after spending the afternoon and evening wading in 460 cfs of 50+ degree water catching, and missing, trout as the trees around me turn to the wonderful hues of fall.
I love the climate of the South, especially Fall. I remember wading a smallie river 7 years ago on October 31 and all I had on were a pair of shorts, and, I was comfortable. Tennessee if beautiful this time of year. And it looks like we have a pretty good week ahead of us here in the SouthEast. I’m glad you are getting to get out and fish. Enjoy!
Hey Jack,
Sounds like you absolutely love your new home. We’ll be zippin by on I-65 in late December with our traditional stop in Franklin TN for breakfast/lunch at Dotson’s, . Some of us, however, have heavy anchors that are difficult to weigh and sail off to new ports, away from family and friends.
About 25 years ago when I was in the real estate business, and constantly relocating families, McDonald’s had a promotion/contest where families could win air trips to visit their relocated families. The TV ad showed a 6-7 year old child coming off the plane jetway and being greeted by his grandparents whom he apparently had never see before. “That’s your grandpa and grandma” was dad’s introduction. Of course McDonalds put a happy spin, understandably, on the ad while I thought it was sad that the boy had missed and apparently will continue to miss the influence of his grandparents through his most impressionable years ( see ohiotuber).
Of course, we’d love to relocate to some idyllic place where the sun always shines and the trout are always hungry but, as much as I envy you for finding your “place”, my anchor is much tooo heavy.
Continued tight lines on the Elk.
PS: I suppose the “signature” below kinda contradicts my premise but…
Because they have NEVER BEEN IN TENNESSEE! They are mostly all brainwashed, stereotyped and prejudgeing.
How do I know? I grew up in upstate New York and Maryland. I moved down here thinking I’d find bigoted people. I soon found out the only one that was bigoted was I!!
Been here 14 years and love it! You can fish all-year 'round. YOu can golf almost all year also.
The fall is AWESOME here. Supposed to 73 here today. I spent the day yesterday cutting and splitting wood for the ‘winter’(middle to late January and beginning of Feb).
Many winter days I spend fishing Caney Fork. I MIGHT have to crack a little ice near the shore to get in the stream and maybe dab the rod in the water to de-ice the guides. But by mid-day it’s about 50 and very comfortable and the trout are hitting!
But as nice as Fall is, the Spring is better. Come March spring is here…TO STAY!! We open our pool in late April and close it in October!
Now you can argue about the 6 weeks of hot summer if you want. But it more than makes up for the 3-6 months of winter they get elsewhere!
Yup. I have learned a lot about how I was brainwashed as a kid thinking southerners were a certain way. Believe me…it’s BULL ****!!
I’m interested in relocating. Any thoughts on the best fly fishing city in the state?
YOu’d have to look at East Tn for sure.
Johnson City, Knoxville, Chatanoooooooga, Maryville, TOWNSEND!(not a city but a very pretty area with a ton of fishing nearby). Knoxville is kinda central East Tn which would give you almost limitless fishing within 1-2 hour’s drive.
I live in West Tn but travel to middle Tn and Arkansas to trout fish(3-4 hour drive). Arkansas is worth looking into also! May be better trout fishing in Arkansas. Little Red river, White river, Norfork and others.
I know what you mean. I grew up in New England, (Massachusetts and N.H.) and moved to Georgia over 30 years ago. Whenever I get back up north, someone will ask me if I’d ever move back. I always tell them that “If the Pilgrims had landed in Savannah instead of Plymouth Rock, Canada would have been HUGE. They would said the heck with anything north of Virginia, let the French have it.” Like you, I get to fish all year and still enjoy all four seasons. My job now takes me to Canada and the far north in the winter and the only thing I can figure is that they just don’t know any better:)
Jim Smith
Pound sand Jack. I just hate you.
Sincerely yours, cold and miserable,
I hear ya. I’m a “Halfbacker”. I grew up in MN, went to school in Da UP of MI, and then lived in Florida for 8 years. After 8 years of sticky heat and mowing the grass twice a week, we moved “half-back” to Knoxville.
Of the few places I’ve lived and visited, Knoxville is my favorite place. I love the fact that I can fish trout when my brother is boring holes in 3’ of solid water. There are stripers in the rivers, brookies in the mountains (and tailwaters, too!) and browns and rainbows in between.
Even when I get skunked (which is all too frequently), it’s comforting to know that some poor guy in Manhattan buys a calendar every year with pictures of the river I’m standing in.
TN is a great place to live if you like to fly fish.
Glad you all like it in the warmer climes. Guess I will be the first one to deviate from the opinions here and tell you that I like the northern states. Specifically I am a Pennsylvanian. I was born here and intend to live out the rest of my days here. If I had to pick another state to move to it would be Ohio. I grew up just 12 miles form the Pa-Oh line and love Ohio too.
I spent a lot of time going from state to state and country to country in the Rapid Deployment Force as an Army Aviator. I like having a real change of seasons. I actually like winter. I like being able to hunt and fish in states that have both so called northern and southern species. I love to ice fish, ice skate, used to play “pond hockey”, snowmobile, build snow forts and have snow ball fights with the neighborhood “kids”. I love our Maple Syrup Festivals, 90+ degree summer days, fairs, fall foliage and harvest festivals and our winter festivals too. I love walking hand in hand with my sweetheart during a good snowfall and I even love the blizzards that blow down from the great lakes and the nor’easter storms.
To each his own. I will stay here in Penn’s Woods.
I’ve got 2 spare bedrooms so come on down anytime you get tired of the cold and frozen North!!
I want to come over your way and try my luck someday soon. Maybe hook up with Bassman too. Of course the invite to visit here is open at all times.
Understand!! But you are also on my welcome list, maybe pick up ohiotuber on the way (gag him first!). The porch light is always on for ya!
The airport in Nashville is only 70 some miles away and I’ll be glad to pick ya up and deliver ya back, if you decide to leave!!
and if you all come at the same time to take Jack up on his offer, I will help him with taking you all fishing!
Hey Jack, c’mon over to this side of the state. Would be glad to join up with you and bassman and 92Esquire. Just give a shout… in time for us to bail outta work.
OK. How about a TN fish-in!
The problem with some streams here however is the generation of electricity which can cause logistic problems. But there are plenty of lakes above those dams that fish very well.
Thank you! And Well said, I feel that a change is needed too. Not to mention the fire place and your sweetie on a cold snowy evening.:rolleyes:
Well, it’s usually cold here too…BUT today it was nearly 70 F and we were catching steelhead. Not bad for NOVEMBER in CANADA. LOL
(just a couple days ago…my guides were icing up)
Mike who? :lol:
Why Eric, you mentioned “Ohio”, so Dave MUST have been thinkin’ about the ol’ Tuber here! :rolleyes:
Jack…“Gag” me, hunh? Wait’ll I get back down there ol’ timer…I’m gonna freeze up some snowballs let ya have it.
Hey Jack,
We don’t have to gag him. Just put an opened can of “Spam” on the dash board beside him.