Moved in with us, took over my daughter’s room. Gave her a job at my office. Never once offered to pay rent. Came to the office looking like crap. COmplained about my other workers(who are good workers). Wants BENEFITS!
Now has a job interview somewhere else and suddenly learned how to put on make up and do her hair and suddenly wants tomorrow morning off for an interview for a job that HAS BENEFITS. Uh, you mean like free room and board?
Give her the time off, hope she gets the job.
Work out a rent plan including back rent, but you’ll forget it if she moves to another place by the end of the month, hope she moves to Ireland.
Family always seems to be the worst in these types of situations…don’t ask me why, but it seems to work out that way quite a bit. Maybe it’s because they THINK since they’re family, they can get away with more…I dunno???
BBW I feel your pain. In my family I make the least amount of money of all of us. $9.50 an hour to be exact. My son parks his camp trailor (32 ft) in my pasture and pays me $200 a month rent. He is a truck driver. He can never make the rent in one payment. He was making $3000 a week and gave that up cause he had to drive to much. My Mom and Dad needed a loan. My sister andher boyfriend make twice what I do they could not loan the money. I took over every penny I had and gave it to mom wth the understanding she had to pay it back. Mom then proceded to borrow money from her step daughters in the same amount as what I lent her. She only needed what I lent her. She gave the money I gave her to my sister and now says she can’t pay me back. Now to add hurt to injury I signed up for Propane for my mom and told her just pay the bill I have it taken care of for you. Guess who is paying the bill. Now for the kicker. Mom asks why I need the money back I make a lot of money. I used to do my mom’s finaces and they make $200 more a month then I do on their retirement. I guess my family feels that way cause I make do with the money I earn and have some nice toys. Two motor homes, 4 wheelers, boat, and lots of fishing tackle. BBW I hope your sister in-law pays you rent and sees the light but I doubt it will happen
Just make sure it goes no farther! My sister-in-law and her three kids moved in with my wife’s parents when she went through a divorce, just until she could get on her feet. That was years ago, and she and kids, two of which are grown up and should be on their own, are still there. No sign of moving on or getting on their feet, but they always have money to go places and thousands for electronic stuff. :mad:
But not for long. I certainly will throw out the welcome mat but when they abuse it, they get the mat pulled out from under them. Just ask the last 3 employees I cut their hours back until they got the idea…and had no means to file unemployment for ;). They abused my niceness and now are working at places that don’t allow them to do anything and hating life.
Life can be a funny thing. I was the black sheep of the family; drank to much, took drugs, rode Harleys, had hair down to the middle of my back, never had a steady job(construction & commercial fishing), never got married, owned nothing but a pickup and a bike, never stayed in one place for long. I owed no one and I never asked anybody for much of anything. Now, a few years later, I own a home and a few toys. I have a family and a good job I worked very hard to get and I work very hard to keep. Today I seem to be the anchor of the family. I am the one they all come to when they need money or a place to stay. Back in my wild days most wouldn’t even talk to me. I help but just like in the old days, no one rides for free.
I think, when you are dealing with family members, relatives, and friends, the most abused phrase in the whole world is “until I get on my feet.” Roughly translated this means, I will leave only when you physically remove me from the premises or someone accidentally pays me an enormous salary that is totally out of proportion to my job skills, ability. and general level of motivation. Give her a HARD deadline. I did! 8T
You seem like a strong fellow to me. I think you are a good man with a good heart and we tend to get taken the most. For what it is worth I am throwing my moral support in with you here. Do what you got to do.
Unfortunately most folks these days are looking for the hand out, not the hand up. I wonder where is their sense of self worth and pride?
Tough love is just what it says, Tough love.
Handing out for free is not appeciated.
Part of the problem of youth today.
Iwant = Iget
Our time is our most valuable commodity.
I just do not get that kind of behavior. In 1999 our apartment was flooded by hurricane Floyd. We have lost just about everything and had no choice but to ask my brother in law to take us in “until we can get back on our feet”. Myself, wife, three kids and two cats. He welcomed us without any questions or conditions. We did everything humaly possible to get out of there ASAP. Luckily with the RED Cross and FEMA’s help it took only two months, and even so we did not stay for free. I just wouldnt have it. For two moths he ate for free and I paid all of his utilities. The day we moved out was also one of the better days of my life… Don’t take this the wrong way he is a very nice guy and we all love him, I just could not stand the fact that my family had to depend on somene else (oh and the two spoiled brats did not like sleeping on the porch - cats that is :D).