I well be in the Temple area for a few day in April. Propley staying at the Cedar Ridge Park.
We (that me and the wife) are going down to see the Mother N Law and I have been granted by she who welds the great rolling pin time to fish. If any one here is in that area and know where and what to use or would maybe like to meet another FAOLer maybe we could set something up. I well have my toon with me too.
GrayGhost, (aka RayB)
moving it up
While there are quite a few of us Texicans on here, you might do better on one of the “local” boards.
Try http://www.texasflyreport.com. Some of the Texas folks on here also post there.
Good luck,
PS: “Local” is a very relative term down here.
I am “close” to Temple at about an hour to an hour and a half. April should be good.
Try contacting the owners of http://www.hotkayaks.net/. They give recommendations on local fishing around Temple.