Who to buy from

Hi all, I’ve got a predicament(sp). Just opened a Sportsmans Wharehouse in our city. They have a large fly tying department with better prices than my local fly shop. I’m tempted to buy all my supplies from them but really appreciate the service at small shop. By the way, if your ever in Savramento area check out Kiene’s fly shop. There, that should help with my consciounce. Thinking I’ll bite the bullet on stuff they carry and just buy what they don’t carry at Sportsmans. Anybody have thoughts on subject?


Let me ad even more. Many of the main manufacturers supply the small fly shop, also the big-box type and fly fishing overall. I tend to be very brand conscious and loyal, often buying where I can find exactly what I’m after.

Wise choice! When you need answears or advice, who will you to? We need all the local fly shops to stay in business. And NO I do not own a fly shop or work at one. I feel,(only an opinion),that the local owners are more in business for the love of fly fishing than going for the golden apple.

I love to shop at my local shop(s)…
I have 3 here in Branson… I spend money at all 3… plus there is one in Springfield Mo. that does carry a few things the other 3 doesnt… and then I have a wal-mart… hate going there… but every now and then it has something I need…

Just this year they add another fly shop… The white river fly shop (yes bass pro)… and I go there 2…


We also had a Sportsmans Warehouse open up close to us recently. They also have a large fly tying/fishing section. However the guys that work in there don’t know much. A lot of times, I can find things better than they can so they are not much help in things other than working the cash register. They also have a huge display of Daiichi hooks. The problem with the hooks display, is that the hook types are all mixed up. All the 1120’s are not next to each other so you have to search the entire display to find a certain size. It’s terrible.

I have decided to keep supporting the local small fly shop. They are knowledgeable and helpful. So if a 25 pack of hooks is 50 cents more at the local shop than the warehouse store, that’s fine with me. Considering how many hooks I buy in a year, it’s not that large of price to pay to get some service along with the products I need.

The local fly shops know my name, what I fish for, etc etc. I don’t think the guys at the warehouse store will bother to learn that from me. The price difference is not large enough in my mind to put up with the lack of knowledge and service.


I must also add…

once the fly shops get to know you…
some will give a “local” discount…anything from 2 up to 15%… that all depends on how long you have shopped there… and how long they have known you

Ok. Time to stir up some s–t, and let the BASHING begin. You read my comments, and from these you can see that I am ALL for local fly shops being in business and always will BE! But I work for Wal-Mart and make a GOOD living working for them. They give me a chance to shop all my local fly shops. And whether YOU realize or not, Wal-Mart will save you money SO that you too can also support YOUR local shop. Don’t believe all read and hear, and yes Wal-Mart is not perfect, but we can save the average American family money so they can support more American local businesses. OK, lets begin!!!

Nah … I’m just way too old for this kind of stuff.

Shop where you want, get what you need. Support your local fly shop especially if they have what you need.

We lost our fly shop last November. I was employed there part time. They were also a good customer for my flies. Now I am unemployed trying to fine new fly customers to take up the slack. I do miss the customers that come in on a regular basis just to shoot the breeze.

A good fly shop is more than just a place to buy supplies. There are big box suppliers and mail order houses if the only thing you want is supplie. Dont expect the big box places to keep up to date on where the fishing is good or what fly is hot or bring in people to do one day seminars for their customers. Do fly shops charge more? On some things perhaps. Do they offer superior service. I think they do for sure.

Take care of the small fly shop. When they go, so does the added value they provide.


I really don’t see any predicament here. If you have money burning a hole in your pocket that you have no better use for, then pay more for the same item at your local shop. If you don’t have extra money to throw around, buy the items as cheap as possible and spend the extra money on other items. I don’t understand the supposed “need” to support local shops that simply will not compete with the market.

I agree with all the above statements, and specially the one about getting to know the fly shop and they will cut you some slack at some point, at least all the ones I frequent do. Good business on their part cause they know you will come back.
I have a Sportsman’s Warehouse Credit card (use to be Cabela’s, but Sportsman’s offers better points and their stuff is better price) and by using it for EVERYTHING (Gas, Food, etc) I get Sportsman’s bucks. A little something extra.
And keep in mind, you don’t have to go to SW for fishing gear, they have great Smoking supplies (for meat not that other crap :lol: ) Camping, Clothes, Hunting, JERKY, etc. You can do both :smiley:

Well obviously I don’t like to throw money around. That is the whole point but I do appreciate all of the free and useful info and help I recieve. Now I haven’t seen their books but I’m sure that the big stores get a better price and or can make up for less profit with more sales. I enjoy going to the fly shop, would miss it if it was gone. No Sage casting analyzer at Sportsmans either.


But there would be if you were in the store :wink:

Hey Mike ( Roadking ),
That new store is well within striking distance for me too, as are several fly shops ( you know the ones )- even though Kiene’s is the furthest of the bunch from my place, it’s my first stop. Doesn’t much matter what it is I’m looking for, he’s usually got it. With gas prices and time being at a premium, it simply makes more sense for me to one stop shop with Kiene’s.

Now if they ever get that B.P.S. built over in the old rail yards, or build that Cabela’s over in Boomtown, I’ll definitely be on the tour…but Bill will still get the bulk of my play dough.

Best, Dave

There would be one if he went into the store?

:wink: Considering, thay don’t sale Sage, do they?

The Sacramento area has 3 excellent fly shops but the arrival of Sportsman’s Warehouse in Rocklin (and soon Cabelas in Reno) is undoubtedly going to spell doom for at least one of the shops, if not more.

Roadking: You might want to look more closely at what you are buying at Sportsman’s Warehouse because the quality of the the materials is no where near as good as you will find in the local fly shops. Yes, things like hooks (in limited sizes/styles) and thread are cheaper, but if you look at the feathers, hair, biots, etc. you’ll find that most of it is junk. Prices on the limited number of fly lines, rods, reels, they carry are all the same as the local fly shops – and you will not get anywhere near the service there as you would at one of the fly shops. Heck, at Sportsman’s the salesperson at fly counter admitted he didn’t even fly fish.

Of course if you prefer inexpensive materials of a dubious quality to slightly more expensive quality materials, then it is clear where your business will go. On the bright side, of the Sacramento fly shops, I would guess Kiene’s is the strongest because so much of their business is in areas that Sportsman’s does not compete (e.g. higher end rods, reels, etc.).

Personally, I have no problem shopping a Sportsman’s, just as I have no problem buying stuff from internet vendors, but clearly the local shops get the lion’s share of my business.

whatfly, Very well put. I agree on some of the quality of product being less than expected (specially Marabou) and the rods and lines are a set price for everyone. A lot of there product is great and like I said there is more to the store.
Local fly shops have just got such a homie feel and that is great.
As far as the staff at Sportsman’s, I think that is the location and store cause our SW has very knowledgeable staff, in fact went out of there way to help one of the posters hear on FAOL from back east get what they wanted VIA mail.
I have been to small fly shops that some employees had no clue also (just a job)
Do what you feel is right for you, that is the answer to you post.
Survival of the fittest or Fittest to survive :wink: :wink: :wink:

Local fly shop opens. Guys start to hang around. Lots of chummy chat and free coffee. Soon, discounts are expected and offered. Profit margin gets slim. New customers are avoided so as not to insult ‘good-old-boys.’ Shop closes.

I live in the Baton Rouge Louisiana area. We’re getting a Bass Pro Shop and a Cabela’s very near to my home. I will still drive to New Orleans and shop at Uptown Angler for my tackle and supplies. You can’t put a price on quality, experience and service.