Who is tired of snow?

Take a look at this:

Sorry but the link won’t work now.

I had to go to Watsonville, CA on business the last 2 days. Yesterday morning I was working with a phone tech on the outside of our office there. I thought we had a Chamber of Commerce day going; blue sky, fluffy white clouds floating by, temps in the lower sixties, with a slight breeze coming in off the ocean. The phone tech was complaining to me how cold it was. My house in Sedro Woolley, WA still has anywhere from a few inches of snow to a couple of feet depending on where you stand and temps in the low to mid thirties. I guess it is all a matter of perspective.

Not to wish violence on anyone but I hope you gave that tech a pinch with your crimping pliers!:wink:

No snow here but we are having high winds today. Really wreaking havoc with the stuff outside.

16 inches of snow fell yesterday…followed by -22 degrees this morn.
Give me cold or give me snow…both together and it’s kinda rough.

I have had no snow where I live. And it’s probably in the 60’s or 70’s right now. I hate it.

I was through with winter when it dropped below 50. I guess it comes with getting older, but I don’t deal with the cold as well as I used to.
But… what I wouldn’t give to be in Chicago on New Year’s Day watching the Winter Classic Hockey game.

Sorry the link doesn’t work…I’m sick of snow too, check out my post on the Happy New Year string.

Got to 77 down here in Tucson, but there is snow up on Mount Lemmon (skiing),
& plenty of snow up in the White Mountains. Nice variety; snow if you want, and warmth if you want !!! I lived too many years with blizzards !!!
Really don’t miss it !!!

We’ve had about an inch of it so far this winter. Jack Hise, WarrenP and those folks might have gotten as much as 3-4".
I’m not really tired of it. Can we trade you about 20 degrees F of heat in August for a foot of snow this winter?


Sorry folks. It was a cartoon that asked “Who is tired of snow? Raise you hand” and all you saw was a cartoon of raised hands sticking out of the snow. I will edit my original post to remove that link.:frowning:

Got your back, buddy…

I woke up this morning to 2 more inches of new snow. Enough already. I am still going fishing today. Happy New Year!

10" yesterday
2* this morning
I’m gonna go look for my X-C skis now
If we’re gonna have snow, I’m going to enjoy it

Hey Kerry? Real steelheading (Michigan) required snow of course, but imagine the thrill of almost being knocked down by an ice floe as it slid past you on the Pere Marquette. Man that was cold!