Whiting Grading system

I understand the Olympic gradings of Whitings capes and saddles. But where does the pro-grade and the new Euro Grade fit in?? I understand that on the Olympic Gold, Silver and Bronze system it refers to the number and consistancy of the sizes of flies that can be tied. Its got nothing to do with quality. So what about the pro and the euro grades? Are they a lesser quality or are these based on quantity rather than quality???

… from Whiting’s site, the two charts at the bottom of the linked page.


Looks like the Euro come only in larger feathers ( sizes 8 to 12 ) and the Pro grade has the lowest feather count and a narrower range of sizes ( 10 to 16 for dry flies ).


Thanks John. I hadn’t spotted the charts at the bottom. I recently saw some Whiting Midge saddles for sale, but in Pro Grade. Presumably then these have feathers that will tie in the smallest ranges, but fewer useful feathers than a bronze…

The Euro must be similiar to the America range.

Could be confusing for someone who has never used a Whiting Cape or Saddle before especially if buying via ebay or other online store. On top of all those they also now sell the Herbert Miner range in pro grades too.

Whiting should print those two charts on the cardboard backing they put in with the hackle.


Hi John,

Thanks for locating those charts. I always appreciate information that matches my preconceptions that well. I do have to admit that I didn’t know what Euro grade hackle was. Thanks again. 8T

On a tangential note, I’d like to add a thumbs up for the Midge Saddles. I got a grizzly half-saddle in bronze a few months ago, and it’s everything I’d hoped for. I’ll be ordering 2-3 more in all likelihood. (Brown, Med. Dun, Ginger)