Anyone got a list of flies they use on white bass (aka Silvers, aka Sandbass)?
I absolutely have been nailing them on #4 Clousers, mostly chart/white or orange/white. I went 10-for-10 while fishing a school on a shoreline point last week, and probably C&R’d 30 of them in 45 minutes. I know the usual suspects probably work for them: muddlers, buggers, etc. Anyone found any killer flies or have some good go-tos? I’d like to get a list of patterns to tie up this winter! Thanks!
Basically anything that imitates a baitfish and/or crayfish will do the job. If I’ve found them to be picky about anything, it would be size. However, even then all you have to do is get close. That having been said, I tend to go after them with clousers if they are deep, if not, I tie a streamer with Puglisi 3-d fibers and Loon Hard Head that looks like this: … GP0052.jpg
I fish it when they are shallow or when I’m fishing around chunk rock and want something that will run just above the rocks without having to retrieve too quickly.