Hi All,
I’ve got a question for the older folks in the group and/or historians of any age. Normand was kind enough to post a really neat video of Selene Dumaine tying a Carrie Stephens streamer as Carrie was suppose to have tied them. The video is over on the the “No Vice” thread. I didn’t want to hijack the thread so I’m asking the question here. Selene was very true to Carries tying style but she finished the fly with a whip finish. Does anyone know if Carrie used a whip finish. My guess is that as a self-taught tyer she used a couple of half-hitches since the whip finish is not exactly a knot that one would stumble upon by accident. I also don’t recall many books from my youth in the 1950’s that gave whip finish instructions. Most books suggested a couple of half hitches and dollop of head cement. I, myself, used half hitches right up through the early 1970’s when my fly tying got side tracked by big-lake bass fishing, family and job. Anyone have the inside info on Carrie and the other tyers of this time period? 8T