Which vise sould you advise?

Hi everyone,

My imitation regal vise get’s a bit worn, and I would buy me a new vise.
My private URS (User Reuirements Specifications) is simple: Can be used for hooks of the size #4/0-24, life time guarantee, must be rotate-able, and reliable.

What type and brand/type of vise should you advice me and why?

Thanks for your advice!
Kind regards,
Inderk (Netherlands)

(p.s. excuse me for my poor English, It’s not my native language)

For value - Griffin Mongoose.

renzetti traveler

Renzetti traveler

I second gringo with the Griffin Mongoose. I was in the market for a vise this year and got the new black version. I have nothing but good things to say. The vise also comes with a really nice case (like a hand gun case) and other goodies.


If money is no object, a Waldron Bench Vise.

For me, money is an object so I bought a Snowbee-Waldron about a year ago. I love the vise. I can’t think of anything about it I would change. Here’s a photo.

I would heartily recommend the Pike’s Peak package from Peak, this gives you pedestal and clamp option with either Standard and Midge jaws or Standard and Salt jaws, additional riser, accessory post and thread cradle in the one package. At $250 ish, they are not cheap but they are well made and will give many years service.

There is a Vise Shootout by Hans Weilenmann and Bruce Salzburg that gives a good unbiased review of many of the popular vises in different price brackets - a bit outdated (2006) but a new one is underway from what Hans has informed me.

I got mine direct from Peak as they were not available over here and since then about a half dozen others have obtained them on my recommendation and are extremely satisfied with the bang for bucks they got.

This is a review I did on UK Fly Dressers for the Peak Package and this is a simple camera modification I had designed and had made for it as well.

Happy tyings with whatever you choose.


you have been tidying up again! That Waldron of yours gets some serious usage!

Have you bought VEE a LAW yet?

griffin mongoose

I have been using the Griffin Montana Mongoose. Absolutely no complaints, a great vise. Best Regards…


I haven’t tidied up at all. That picture was taken when I first bought the vise. The desk and vise look nowhere near that neat now. Bits of fluff and fur everywhere.

It will be a cold day in heck when I can afford to spend that kind of money on a LAW…well…for VEE at least. For me…maybe.

I just remembered that I have a CD for you. PM your snail mail addy to me would you?


You did say you would like a lifetime guarantee. You will get that with all Griffin models. Just a 800 phone number away. Bill Fitz


Within the past year I traded my DynaKing for a Nor-Vise. I love it! Does everything a conventional vise will do plus it lets you spin the vise at varying speeds to make dubbing a snap as well as place materials on the hook at speeds not possible with a conventional rotary or stationary vice.

Here is a link to the media section of the Nor-Vise site which has videos for you to view.



If you have been happy with your Regal imitation, why not invest in the REAL Regal Revolution?

It meets all of your URS with hardly anything new to get used to.

PEAK vise and it’s accessories as a package

There is such a range and you didn’t give a price point. Personally in the More expensive vises, I would love to have a Dynaking Barracuda. I personally tie on a Peak and my Daughter uses a DanVise. For the Money a DanVise is hard to beat, but I still prefer the Peak. Sure if I won the lotto a Law might be in order, but not any time soon for me.


If you like the style of the imitation regal, then why not get a genuine Regal vise? I just picked up a HMH Standard and really like it. If a true rotatry vise is what you are looking for, then there have been some good suggestion already posted. I think of all the rotary vises, the Renzetti Traveler seems to be the most popular.

Good luck!


I’ve been tying on a Danvise classic vise for years now. It was my first vise and I think it’s so good I’ve never even thought of buying a new one. And for 80 bucks you can’t beat the price for a full rotary.