Which 9 weight?

Following the comments under another post as to 9 vs 10 wt, I sold the 10wt. Now I would appreciate your thoughts on which 9wt. Thanks Dave

Elkhorn, TFO, ALbright, Redington are all good rods for a reasonable price. I think any one of them would do the job. It is at that point a matter of taste. Try going to one of the shows and casting them to see which one you like best.


Echo2 is great you have 2 tips also. One for distance and one for accuracy. They are about $250 with a rod tube.

I would second you going to a dealer or show and casting as many as you can. If you have a Cabella’s near you then head there and do just that.

Tell the guy at the fly counter you want to cast their 9wt rods in you price range and they will (or at least should) be more than happy to oblige. I did that at the one here in KC and walked out with the rod that I liked.

If you don’t already know what action you like, then this will provide you with all the experience you need to decide.

All the best,


i agree with the others…we cnt tell u wht rod to get. u have to try em out…i like a fast rod,but i knw others that cast better and love a slower rod. U have to try em and see wht ur comfertble with. :tieone:

For my money, I purchased an Albright 9wt graphite. It was very inexpensive, picked it up from Sierra Trading post some time back. Their inventory comes and goes so sometines you can find what your looking for, other times, Nada. It was interesting, the plastic sock it came in had a Red Cross logo on it and it said “For emergancy use”. Probaly a second rod and set for up for donation. Maybe black market and it ended up with me? It has served me well and I abuse it pretty good.

Go to a store and pick a manufacturer that has an extensive line. Then:

  1. Grab a mid-price rod that comes in both fast-action and medium-action and test them out side by side. Decide which action you prefer.
    2)Next try the pricey, mid-priced, and cheap rods in their line that have the action you preferred. It will become apparent very quickly which is the one for you given your budget and how it feels.

I happen to use Orvis and have a T3 8-weight and a Zero-G 9-weight, both fast-action. I can’t tell much difference between the Zero-G and T3, but I got a deal so their wasn’t a price difference. However, I can feel a big difference between the T3 rod and the Orvis TLS rod, and that’s what sold me.

Just play with several and you’ll find what you like.

The best advice is definitly go and try some.

I would suggest you to try to have a look at Redington CPS and St Croix Legend Ultra if you like fast action rods.

But in the 200-300$ range there are many good rods these days.

If you have no budget limit and like fast rods, I urge you to give a try to Sage Xi2 and Loomis CC-GLX.

I used my TFO TiCrX 8 weight for the Florida Fish-In and was imppressed. I have no doubt the 9 weight is just as impressive. Try the X if you cast fast action rods well, the TFO Professional Series if you are better with a more moderate action. They are great rods and pretty inexpensive.

Like the others said, cast them, cast them, cast them! You need a rod that is suited to you, not what someone else tells you you should fish.