Which 9' #5 ?

Hey all,

Great board.
In need of some advice.
Wife wants to get me a new rod for Chrismas ? Well, I?m sure she will, when I tell her !!

Anyway, question is, which 9? #5 ?

I?m a big Sage RPL and RPL+ fan but when I bought a Sage SP+, I was a bit disappointed as it didn?t seem to be an improvement.
For that reason I never upgraded to the XP?s and from what I hear it may have been a mistake.
Anyway, I don?t think I?d buy 1 now, what with their new range of Z axis out.

I?ve tried a friends 9? #5 Gatti FRPA and really like it, so what I?d like to know is there anyone out there who has tried both the Gatti FRPA and Sage Z Axis in the 9? # 5 model who could compare for me.

I know I should really try them myself but this wont be possible before Christmas anyway.

Hope you can help.

Thanks in advance,


I’m in Ireland, but I understand Gatti ship direct.

Are you saying the SP is like the Z Axis ?

I’m lost. SP, SP+?..which? I think I heard the XP is on sale now. Why don’t you just say what you want?

Apologies, if I?ve not made it clear in my first post.

My reply on the SP (which I?m familiar with) was in relation to your first reply which appears to have been deleted !

What I?d like is; if there are folk out there who have cast both the Gatti FRPA and the new Sage ZAxis in the 9? #5 model, that maybe they would be so kind as to give me their opinion on them.



We have been Gatti fans for some years, and yes we have cast the new Z-Axis as well. I believe the Z-Axis is very close in action to the Gatti FRPA but in my opinion is a better rod. Has both backbone and finesse.

I really like my Winston Boron IIx


I was a big fan of the old RPL’s too! The new VT-2 is very similar, yet has quicker recovery. The Z-Axis is also an awesome rod. I’ve never cast the Gatti’s but i’ve heard good things about them.

Thanks for the replies, Folks ? much appreciated.

I guess in truth, I was always leaning towards the Z-Axis Sage but was waiting to hear if there was a world of difference between the rods.
Thank you, Ladyfisher, for your opinion on them.
It makes it easier for me, as I can get a Sage through my local tackle dealer.

Yes, pspaint, I still love the RPL?s. They made a fantastic 10 ?? for a # 6 line and in my opinion has never been bettered by any rodmaker anywhere - including Sage themselves !

They were definitely awesome rods. I was never able to track down the 10.5 6wt. I have a 10’ 7wt. GFL, RPL (plus, several + tapers) and it’s my favorite steelhead rod. At 3.5 ounces its incredibly light.