Where to buy a cauterizer?

I want to get a cauterizer, but don’t want to pay medical prices for them. Any ideas?

I got mine from Chris Helm in Toledo, OH. Check out his online catalog on his website at:


You can call him and order it over the phone on a credit card.

You also try www.feather-craft.com 2009 catalog…page71

I use the medical one. :slight_smile:

Me too. I have a few tying tools that I rescued after some procedure or other. If I gotta pay for it, I ought to get some use out of it.

I use a small, 25 watt soldering pencil from Radio Shack. About 9 bucks. Works to burn deer hair and make mono eyes. Jim

How does that work. I am about to go in and deny the guys a chance to swim upstream, and the urologist talked of Cauterizing. Should I ask to keep the tool after he cuts and burns my junk?

It is a “single use” tool which is disposed of after the procedure, so I would just explain to the doc what you’re doing and he may give it to you. Not sure if there are any laws which prevent him from doing so. I have the one I bought from Chris because I can change the batteries in it (2 AA), and the medical units don’t have that capability…use it, toss it.

Check the Bass fishing lure sites, I have the old original Worm Mizer and it runs on 2 AA batteries and still works great. I have a new tip for it somewheere in all my stuff but haven’t found it yet.

You can get this fancy one from Don Iovino



Here is another source:


I get mine from my doctor. It is a one time use tool for them so he has no problem saving them for me & they are so much better than the ones you buy from the fly shops & tackle stores.

Good luck,

Yep, that’s about it. You’ll be awake, so it’ll be something to talk about, anyhow.

Oh, and when he says take the next couple days easy, believe him.

Keep a bag of frozen peas handy.

It is truly amazing at the amount and wealth of knowledge on this site ha ha ha.

Gotta Love It !!


also looks like you can buy them in Bird Supplies, to fix oopsies if you cut the nails too deep.

99% of the “medical” ones, are also; “ran on simple AA batteries”.
I’ve gotten two of them, from doctors and simply took a plumber’s “tubing cutter” and cut off the last 1/2" of the top end.
Take out the old batteries, (if dead), drop in two new ones and tape the end back on. You’re set to go.
You can also simply cut the last 1/2" off the end, CAREFULLY, using a small hobby type hack saw, anything that will cut plastic evenly and slowly. (so you don’t cut into the batteries themselves).



hadn’t thought of that. Wonder if they throw them out after single usage too…

Cabelas has one in the bargain cave for repairing plastic baits. still too much to pay, esp. if I can get one from an MD or DVM.

I think I’m gonna have to go begging to my medical contacts!

I have one of the disposalable ones and I cut the back end off carefully and installed a rubber end cap on the end. Changed the batteries on it when needed. Works fine for 5 years now.

Man fly fishers are such scroungers LOL

Cheers All
