When is the Central WA fish-in this year?

I’ve been trying to find the thread I saw a while ago on the Central WA fish-in this year. I thought it was the weekend of May 19th. I need to make sure because I just found out that the Montana State Chiropractic Convention is that weekend too…and I sort of need to go to get my continuing ed. hours. Going to be really bummed if it is on the same weekend.



Be prepared to be bummed, Buddy. The CWFI is May 19th-22. Drats, we were really looking forward to seeing you again.


Bummer Hugo. I was planning on being there for just one day. If for no other reason to meet you and tie up with some other old friends.

Hugo, come on over and practice on my back… G

Well, for crying out loud. I’m going to see if there is any way I can get out of it. I know there are some online things I can do, I just haven’t…figured I’d just do the conference and get everything done at once. I REALLY want to make the fish-in if I can. Guess it’s time to spend some time researching continuing ed on the internet, so don’t give up on my yet! LOL.


Is it at Euphrata again? Perhaps a listing on the Fish-in page is appropriate?

Yes we will be staying at the Oasis campground in Ephrata. Would be great to meet ya!


Oh boyohboyohboyohboy! I found out last night that I can do all my CE online! I WILL be at the fish-in!!! WAHOOOOOO!


Ain’t the interweb grand?