When is everyone arriving at the Michigan Fish In?

Just wondering when everyone will be arriving and where you will be staying.

Bill and I will be there Sunday in the afternoon and staying at Gates all week.

See you all nexy Sunday


We’re pulling in Monday evening. :smiley: Staying at Gates, flying into Traverse City and driving down.

Although we’re ( wife Luba and I) not yet on “the list”, we’re arriving Sunday morning ( probably) and staying at Gates (confirmed). The plan is to get there early enough to get at least ONE perch dinner before JC arrives :). THAT from past experience.

PS: In view of the post topic, you should forgive the slightly inappropriate “signature” ( it’s a habit)

Jack and I plan to arrive Monday afternoon\evening.


EdD and I should be there around 4 pm Monday! Don’t forget to get the ice!!
I think the meeting and greeting will be more intense this year, old friends we haven’t seen for a year and new ones to tell our tales (Lies) too!!
You and the “Committee” have done a terrific job old friend and I will help in any way I can!!
Can’t wait to see what Fatbill does this year!!

I hope you and Jack catch a LOT of fish!
Good Luck!

Jean and I will be arriving on Saturday the 30th and staying at the Woodland.
Plans right now are to head up to Taquamenoon(or however you spell it) Falls on Sunday the first. Sign up desk will be set up monday!

I’ll be in town on Friday night - staying for two weeks. The one time it’s good to work for the auto industry!


The FAOL banner has been mailed to Gate’s. In a black tube. When you get there, hang it up please. :smiley:


No problem…I’ll see that it is taken care of…right along with the pirate colors! 8)


We’re looking at coming up on Saturday and staying at Kneff Lake. Is anyone else going to be heading that way? The plan is to stay all week.

Uh OH… :?

Am I the only one staying at Kneff Lake this year?


My place is only a few miles from Kneff so I won’t be staying there . . . but I do plan to fish there on Saturday and Sunday this weekend.



I hope you and Jack catch a LOT of fish!
Good Luck!

Thanks for the kind thoughts. I hope that we ALL catch a lot of fish.

I’m still trying to shake the image of a trout rising several times near Jack when we were on the Duck. I can’t help but think that the trout was giving him some pointers. I suppose that is the reward he gets for his careful and gentle release technique.


I should be getting there (Kneff) before lunch (Sat.) if all goes according to plan. I’m trying to beat the long lines at the border so we’re leaving the house early…at least early to Bill. I’ll have a red Rendezvous, green canoe or a green float tube. (big female, white hair with a fly rod…sort of hard to miss, LOL) We’ll have to hit town for some food shopping as we won’t be brining any across the border, so I don’t know what time I’ll be hitting the water. The only other wrinkle we might have to worry about is the national native protest. It starts today but I don’t know if it will only be one day, like planned or if it’s going to be a bit more ongoing. It started early here in Ontario. http://www.thestar.com/News/article/230821 If they decide go longer and to close the 402 or disrupt traffic at the bridge, we’re going to be DELAYED by at least a day. I think that it will be over by late tonight. Fingers crossed.

Don’t forget to come see us and register at Gates. We will be set up on the front lawn starting Monday morning It is north about 4 -5 miles from the campground on Stephan Bridge Rd, the same road that the state park campground is located on.
Looking foward to meeting you,

My buddy Jim and I will arrive Sunday afternoon and will be staying at Gates. Can’t wait to see old friends and meet new ones.


No worries! I won’t forget!! See you then, if not before. I might try that perch dinner before JC gets there. I also want to hit the shop and get my hands on some “LOCAL” flies. I’m throwing together a bunch of info and history so I do a presentation at our local club. I’d like to get at least some of them turned on to the idea of thowing a group trip together next year. So I hope to get lots of eye candy (pictures) and a fish or three wouldn’t hurt. :wink:


I’ll be leaving NC in about 1/2 hour for an all night drive to visit my bro in St. Clair Shores, enjoy some of his fine eats there then head on up to Grayling Sunday morning.
Be safe all and see 'ya next week!

Brad,you are too young to be having “Senior Moments” you met Deb along with the rest of us at the Warren Show.
See what happens when you “Run” a Fish-In