When did...

a loaf of Plain White Wonderbread become $4.25.

I feel like the Troll who just woke up under the Bridge

You must be buying at the wrong place.

You must be buying at the wrong place.

Kroger ad: Kroger bread 10 loaves for $10 here.

Wonder bread shouldn’t be but $1.50-2.50 at the most.

Oh. I see you are in ‘progressive’ Kalifornia. Nevermind :slight_smile:

Granted, the loaf I saw was the “large”…at Albertson’s

the seed loaded designer loaf, which are great, was a buck cheaper

Harry, You can always bake your own. Joe has a dandy recipe on the “What’s Cooking” board this week. Probably has more in the archives. Jim


The deeper and much more disturbing question is,what grown up eats wonderbread?

Boy, does that bring back memories. My grandfather, a retired surgeon from Boise who farmed a few hundred acres east in Homedale would make fresh bread every other morning or so. He would start at 4:00 A.M so by the time I got pulled out of the bag, about sixish, the house was filled with the aroma his bread and fresh boiled coffee.The grounds were boiled with egg shells from the bread …that was 52 years ago and I see that breakfast table of bread, fresh butter and coffee every time I smell fresh bread.
I can’t think of a more memoral smell that that of fresh baked bread

Those that may desire the equivalent shelf life :slight_smile:

It is a good question …I hated when it first arrived but man, every lunchbox ( a what?) in school had a few sandwiches made with it.


I shop at these “bakery outlets” quite often. The one in Sacramento where I used to live was right next to where they were baking the bread. Same stuff in stores but cheaper, mainly I think due to eliminating the middle man big grocery stores.

Nothing better than crappy white bread for a BLT…YUM!

Or that PBJ that glues to the roof of your mouth and needs a finger to scrape it off… Ahhh memories…

Local grocery chain last Sunday special, bread 77 cents a loaf–I did the shopping spent $18 0n 9 items sales slip showed I saved $18. Cant beat that.

A big ball of it on a large hook…:p:-P


The best bread we have,we make here. However today I will buy a loaf of Jewish Rye to make sandwiches of the leftover, oven roasted, corned beef brisket from last evening. I will buy a few slices of Swiss cheese too, with big holes and a small jar of sauerkraut for variety. Stone mustard of course. These things are too good to just say, “Jeese, I haven’t had one of… in a long time.” Go do it. :slight_smile:
Might go down best with a beer, German one, bock probably.

You guys better be careful in your dissin’ of the wonderful wonder bread! Our “favorite lady” (actual letters being LF ) loves wonder bead! :rolleyes:

One of the happiest days of my life,the day I no longer lived at home and could have wheat bread.Tuna on wheat is the greatest sandwich in history.