what's your favorite midge

been tying lots of different midge patterns lately. curious as to what everbody’s favorite was. i have had good luck with the zebra midge of course. like the miracle and diamond midge as well. looking for new patterns to tie so post recipes if you can.

Small renegades work well for me. Anything smaller than 22 and I quit fishing. :o :smiley:

Brian Chan’s Chironomid Bomber and Frostbite Chironomid
Andy Kim’s Yong Special

Zebra, and griffiths gnat sunk or dry

I like the Trojan Midge, simple but effective. John

Spotter Midge
Joe Fox

jujubee and yong’s special, both pretty simple to tie and work well

i was able to find a recipe for the yong’s special. anyone have the recipe for brian chan’s flies?

Sub-Adult:[ul]*Mercury Brassie with copper wire
*Mercury Brassie with red wire
*Mercury Brassie with chartreuse wire, (yes chartreuse!)
*Yong Midge[/ul]Adult:[ul]*Tak’s Biot Midge
*Griffith’s Gnat regular version
*Griffith’s Gnat, (AKA Al’s Gnat) tied with Cree Hackle[/ul]

While fishing with a friend from the University of Arkansas he described to me the color change that occurs to the midge larvae in the Norfork under low oxygen levels. They literally become the exact color of Danvilles Brown 6/0 thread when wet. We tied up so many of these midges in a rust brown with tiny black or copper tungsten beads in sizes 18, 20 and 22 wrapped with the finest Black micro wire available. This pattern seems to produce year after year for me and has become my all time favorite midge pattern. Close second would be the diamond midge.

Midge from Archie comics is my fave. lol

Brian Chans red butt chronomid

Griffin gnat.

Black gnat

I have Brian Chans video
Plus I have His “Morris and Chan on Fly fishing trout lakes”

Chan’s frostbite Chironomid pupa

Hook - heavy wire #16-#12 humped shank optional
gills small white antron yarn projecting off the hook eye.
Thread - black 8/0 or 6/0
Bead - copper 1/8th inch diameter
Rib - fine silver wire
Abdomen - two strands of red black or chocolate brown frostbite unraveled from the main weave, two strands of krystal flash same colors
Thorax - peacock herl

There are about 30 or so Chan flies in the book but I couldn’t find Chan’s Bomber

My favorites are the Griffith’s Gnat in sizes #20 to #26 for dry flies and the WD-40 in the same sizes for nymphs/pupae. I tye the WD-40 in olive, black, rusty brown and cream. Another of my favorite patterns is a pattern that is featured in A.K. Best’s books. The name of the pattern escapes me at the moment, but it’s tied with a waffle-imprinted strip of plastic from a zip-loc bag for winging. It’s a fabulous pattern for trout feeding selectively on midges around here.


My favorite and probably my most effective is the BearPaw. I tie it in sizes 18 - 28.

heres a good site for some midge patterns



Here are a few midges that worked for me. Size 20.

best one I did - and worked great … it was a hand tied (only additional use of bobbin and hackle pliers) … was playing with hand tying - and it worked. then was playing with a rising rainbow - worked there too.

Size 18 Mustad dry hook. Black hackle ftips for tail. Black/grey carded crochet yarn body. Black Indian hackle. Black 6/0 thread.

In a vice - it’s real easy. By hand … I still fumble.

I use this as a dropper under some sort of popper in warmwater ponds.

Tie on a single feather barb from a pheasant tail, wrap body with a small black head.
I have them in red, brown, orange, purple, green, yellow.
I use black wooly nylon for the black one made the same way.


FLYSTER! That’s a great looking midge hook. What brand is that?

Waders, the hook is a TMC 206BL #20 Caddis larva, Emergers, Curved shank, fine wire, 2x short, black. Targus also carries the same hook. Later.