what's up

I took about 15 minutes to write up a fishing experience and when I went to post it it said I didn’t have permission. This was after I had logged in and it said I did have permission? Whats uip? THis post made it why not my other?

you probably timed out. When I have to type anything big. I.E. takes more than a couple of minutes to type up. I cut and past it from my word processor. its a pain but it helps keep the site running faster.


Thanks for the info. I bet your’e right since short posts seem to get posted.

I broke down an bought a new computer last week from Dell and received it Wednesday. I logged on and have been connected without any interruption. WIth my old computer I dropped off every few minutes. So it could be your computer and not the website.

But a few years ago I saw an explanation that was the ultimate proof computers are female, “Only their creator knows what they will do next.”