OK. I’m getting bored here. :rolleyes:I could go fishing but it’s getting breezy and I don’t feel like driving 3 hours to where it’s not.
My question: How many of you paste bumper stickers on your window or bumpers and what are they? Here’s a few, but not all, of mine. After looking at these I decided to go wash my Vue. Jimsnarocks:-P

I’ve got 2 window stickers on my back window.

  1. Central Iowa Anglers logo sticker
  2. Anglers Legacy sticker
  3. A fish-design sticker I got on Maui.

This was taken before I added the Anglers Legacy sticker:

I’m considering adding a Hobie Kayak Fishing sticker…
There’s a theme here… :rolleyes:

I have a few stickers on my back window. I don’t have pictures but they are-----

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Life Member
Oregon Hunters Association Life Member
Mule Deer Foundation
Boone and Crockett Club
Sage Fly Rods
Scientific Anglers
Flyanglers Online

On the bumper I have.

Flyanglers Online


On Bumper:
On Window:
MI Park Sticker
MI DNR Boat Ramp pass
Nebraska Cornhuskers

Slow here too with the wind. I don’t mind the cold that much but the wind is the pits.

*Baldwin Bait and Tackle

  1. Bumper Sticker - “Proud Parent of a Soldier Serving in Iraq” (son has come home and I just haven’t taken it off.

  2. Magnetic sticker - “82nd Airborne”.

  3. Window sticker - “I’d Rather Be Fishing”.


The way I see it, product-related stickers on your vehicle make REALLY good lists of what is in your truck for bad guys to steal.


Unless the sign says; “Please Don’t Tease The Dogs”

Designed by a friend of mine

if the motorhome is rocking please come in she is beatiing me to death

On the bumper … “Paddle faster, I hear banjo music”.

On the back window:

Never meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

WWBD? What would Buffy do?


Tightlines Fly Shop
Tuscon Az.

(I like it because they mispelled Tucson-sadly, Rod went out of business last spring)


I also will not advertise what may be in the Jeep. I do have 2 stickers on the rear window…

  1. Our American Flag
  2. OBX (NC Outerbanks for those who may not know)


I have a support our troops magnetic sign on the tail gate of my truck. Because they deserve my support.

My 3/4 ton van with no windows in the cargo area has 2 stickers, one on each door window which read:


I don’t advertise what’s in the van. I worked too hard for all of it. And YES, there really is a security system installed.

Custom bumper stickers may be had at www.zazzle.com They also do souvenirs, business cards, postage stamps, etc.

After my truck was burglarized in Montana, I had a little sign on the driver’s window that said “There is nothing in this truck worth your life”.

On my Explorer I have the following stickers/decals

  1. Sierra Club
  2. Orvis Anglers Club
  3. Trout Unlmited Member


TU, FAOL, FFF, Anglers of the Ausable, and NRA.
Trying to make a PXXXX in 20XX sticker - oops - no politics



Deep Creek Lake (Md.)

nothing. why invite thieves into your vehicle with all of the fly fishing advertising? :wink:

A small “Eagle, Globe, and Anchor” on the rear window of my pick up along with an alumni sticker from my alma mater and a magnetic “ribbon” on the tailgate that says “Support your Sheriff”