Hi guys and girls.
I thought it would be interesting to see what is in your fly box. Pictures would be great.
This is my stream box.
I guess you can see I’m a dry fly addict
Hi guys and girls.
I thought it would be interesting to see what is in your fly box. Pictures would be great.
This is my stream box.
I guess you can see I’m a dry fly addict
How can anyone keep a fly box that neat? Very nice, Morenb. Mine is mostly soft hackles and winged wets, with a few dries on the side. Maybe a picture later.
Very nice flies!!! What are the ones with red sparkly on them? I like them…whatever they are called.
Thanks. Not sure which ones you are talking about. The first two rows in the dry fly side is parachute Adams. The red post is just to see them better in some of the water and light conditions we fish in. The one with the red and yellow post is just a test fly. I find that sometimes contrasting colors in the post helps to pick up the fly quicker.
The five on the right in the 3rd row are high vis CDC midges and the two on the right in the 3rd row is CDC klinkies.
I see quite a few empty spaces…time to get busy.
“A tidy fly box is the sign of a SICK MIND!”
These are all the flies I use on the streams, and then mostly 3 or 4 dry fly patterns. The other 300 flies are in various other boxes for “backup”
My boxes don’t normally look like that. This was after a cleanup from not being on the water for three weeks.
A tidy box is the sign of someone who doesn’t fish enough! (or so I’ve tried to tell my wife!)
I have a lot of box’es here is a pic of one I recently finished refilling.
lol!!! The only picture I have of one of my fly boxes was taken by Al Campbell, over my shoulder. He was laughing so hard at the mish mash of confusion in it, the picture is slightly out of focus! What a day that was!
Thanks Bassman. Now that is a neat box.
That is the neatesed it has ever looked, just because I just finished tying them up and refilling it. That is the only time I can keep my box’es neat. John
Dang. I guess winter has settled in and flytiers are busy organizing their wares. Most of my flies are in plano boxes or icebreaker breath mint cans or old 35 mm film cans. I guess I’m gonna have to kick down some bucks and get some of those fly boxes and start organizing my flies. Jim:idea:
The thing about organizing - you can’t. For instance, does a PMD emerger go in the PMD box or the emerger box? Does an Adams water wisp go in the water wisp box, or the Adams box?. The boxes that you take out on the water, vs. the boxes you store things in? Why ever organize the ones you take out - you won’t be able to find things from stream to stream if you do? Big boxes that you will be really bitter about if you send 'em down the stream, or little boxes that you can hardly put anything in, but won’t miss too bad if you lose them? It’s just impossible. I now have so many boxes that I have to label them or I’ll spend 1/2 hr looking for a Pheasant tail.
Did I count actually 6 dry flies?
It always amazes me when i see other flyboxes and see so little dry flies. My first choice is always to put on a dry before I’ll try something else. I guess we are just lucky that we have so many free rising trout in our rivers.
Morne -
A few months ago, I “started over” tying flies. Presently, I have two boxes, one for small flies for both rivers and streams, and one for big flies in the way of larger nymphs and streamers which I am more likely to use on rivers this time of year.
I’m a “tie as you go” type, so these boxes probably won’t see many, if any, additions until next year. ( That could be next month if we have a mild winter. ) Depending on the time of year, the small fly box could contain mostly dries or mostly wets and nymphs. The large fly box contents are pretty constant.
Which one?
I use these a lot:
Gotta replenish the caddis box:
Things like this are good for me. I sometimes think I have too many flies and boxes…