What Quotes & When

Ever have one of those AH moments ? when your yelling at your kids or when the Boss has poor you in a corner. How about when that monster fish gets away! What Quote or thought comes to mind and under what situation? thought this might be some fun to look at.

I’m sorry … this is a family board.:roll:

Whenever I lose a large fish before landing it, I calmly take a moment to relive the battle in my mind and evaluate what I might do differently the next time. I then calmly break something of value, and go back to my fishing.

Now, if you believe THAT one, I have a bridge…:twisted:

Sorry not in tended to be a non family thing — look at my signature as an example ---- this quote came to me in an AH moment,:smiley: when I had caught my first Bow on a Fly Rod in a stream that I never would have looked at had it not been for friend.

  1. Children…“Now kids, please stop swinging from the chandelier. Daddy would hate to see you get hurt.” 1 1/2) What I really meant…“Get off the umpty-zillion dollar chandelier or I’ll HANG ya from it ya little rug rats!!!”

  2. Boss…“Gee boss, I guess I failed to see it in that way. Thank you for the ultimatum.” 2 1/2…What I really meant…“Go ahead and fire me ya stupid Yuppie! Then your half baked company’ll go down the tubes even faster!”

  3. Monster Fish…“Oh DARN!” 3 1/2) (As I go back to the Jeep muttering to myself) “Way to go DUMBA**! A 3 year old fights the biggest catfish you’ve ever SEEN all the way to the bank & YOU left the net in the Jeep!!”

Is that what you wanted Dave?

This is a quote my twin brother said to his eldest son when he was 6 years old. “If you do it again we are gonna have words we have never heard before.”

To the boss - as a consultant I am my own boss, so when I consult with some clueless yahoo I just mutter to myself “being paid by the hour does have its advantages.”

To the monster fish - “!@#$%^&* stupid fish!”

I tried to play by the rules! I cast that caddis dry about fifty times and nothin’ to show for it but a minnow! OK! Gloves come off, no more mister nice guy! I tie on a big woolybugger and proceed to dredge the undercut bank. About the fifth cast there is a Hookup! OH Boy!! I feel a snap! and my leader breaks off! $%*&%@CRAP!:mad::mad:
This kinda stuff doesn’t happen to normal people.

Was living in an oilfield camp on the North Slope (2 weeks on and then 2 weeks off) and had just gotten to sleep in MY room to nap until time for a night shift when someone woke me up banging on the door. Seems he needed his stuff so he could go home. BUT, he should have gotten his stuff long before.

“Go away” says I…
“But it’s an emergency, I have a plane to catch!” says he.
“Pizz-poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part!”

I did not let him in… He likely remembers that lesson…

Not exactly fly fishing, but I was proud of my response.

There are few fish I regret not hooking or landing and they stand out in my memories. Having been spoiled rotten by a lifetime of AK fishing, one more incredible fish, or less, is not going to affect my attitude. I can still enjoy a day of 6" native dollies as much as I did when I was 10. In fact my son and I are planning a backpack trip of over 10 miles just to fish for little goldenfins that will likely not reach 8".

My great-uncle Bud made me think about it when I was no more than 8. We fished many a late evening on a small upstate NY lake, just the two of us. We caught bait in the afternoon and fished into the middle of the night several times. It was rare solo time for a kid with too many siblings. Several uncles and great-uncles had made me their favorites and I often wondered why. I realized later it probably had more to do with avoiding my siblings… :wink:

Anyway, Bud had a huge shiner hooked through the base of the dorsal and suspended under a big cork float. The gas lantern sputtered and cast wierd shadows and reflections all around the small lake, but allowed us to see our corks. Suddenly Uncle Bud’s cork started dancing as the agitated shiner tried to run and then to hide. And then the cork vanished. After what seemed forever Bud set the hook and his rod just doubled over hard. And then the fish turned and came out of the water headed straight at us in the eerie lantern light.

It was a huge smallmouth just shaking his head and then in slow motion we saw the big shiner come flying out of the bass’ mouth and skip headfirst, twice across the surface before falling into the mirror of light. And the poind went quiet and I looked for the streaking line and slowly realized the fish was gone.

“Did you see that Arty?” he seemed really happy.
“Yeah, he got away.”
“Not before he gave me more fun than I’ve had in ages!”
I used to remind him of that line and others said they had heard him use it before. I wish I could remember it when needed.

Uncle Bud was killed about 10 years or a little more ago just a few miles from his home in Holmes, NY. He was 76 and in the middle of the road picking up broken glass someone had decided to toss out when he was hit by a car. A tough old fellow, it took a while.

Thank you for sharing. I will add uncle bud to my list of famous people and their quotes. I had an uncle Bud too! boy do I miss him.

Thanks, Hap. Nothing much better than starting the day with a fine read. JGW

ohiofly … please note rolled eyes at the end of my post. Thus, this being a family site, I will NOT be posting what I “sometimes” say!!!:p:shock:

Two of my well-used flyfishing quotes are - when I’ve snagged up or put one in the trees or I’m standing on my line or… and all for about the third time… “Somebody tell me again how much fun I’m having.”

When I lose the ‘big’ one. I kind of "sniff’ a couple times and say, “I was going to turn him loose anyway - but I wanted to pet him first.”

I haven’t really had a “boss” in about 30 years but a hundred years ago I was working in a small radio station and the program director was way more impressed with himself that I was. The third time he came into the booth, one morning, chewing on me about something I really had no control over I said. “Tim, I believe you better find someone to turn that record over.” (how’s that for “dating” myself ;)) Yeah - yeah - I should have given them “two weeks” but I liked my way better. :smiley:

A couple of weeks ago, I was in the Little Buffalo when I caught a rainbow on this worm looking thing I tied up. Since we were having a little fish-fry, we were keeping most of what we caught. After a few seconds of “battle” with this fish, a very nicely colored rainbow came up out of the water on my hook and I had the hardest time getting a grip on it. Slippery little suckers… Anyhoo… I realized that I did not have my stringer ready and I was trying to hold the fish and keep it from tangling itself in the line anymore than what it already was. I decided to set the fish back in the water (I had not unhooked it yet) and get my stringer. As soon as I did this, the rainbow jumped out of the water, shook the hook out and swam away.

And the cleaner saying I most often use in situations like this is, “Proper planning, prevents p**s poor performance.” I won’t post the other things I say at time like this…

Just gotta Love Ya Betty :oops::rolleyes:

I figure when all the possible words and combinations thereof are used up, I will resort to quoting other people. Until then, I try to think for myself. :rolleyes:

On the other hand, I once read in a Pat McManus story something to the effect of, “So much for having sex while shooting rapids”. I may have used adaptations of that on occasion. :stuck_out_tongue:


Whenever something goes wrong on the water I remind myself of how true the following quote is as I gave up golf for fly-fishing, easy decision in hindsight.

“Golf is nothing more than a good walk spoiled” (I forget who said it, some famous golf guru)

The truth is, fly-fishing, or fishing period, is a good trip to the park, stream, woods, wherever that water is, not spoiled but with the bonus of maybe catching fish. I never regret going to the water, never, and that’s the truth.

Of course, there are times I don’t go when maybe I should drop those things that might cause regret, and just GO.

Bass Hole: What you call your favorite fishing hole for bass or what you call the angler that beat you to your favorite hole for bass!;):lol::stuck_out_tongue: