What our grandson asked of Santa

This past fall, our oldest daughter Jennifer relocated to Denver CO. A single mom with three kids ages, 13 to 8, this was her thrid job relocation in the past two years. As you can imagine this has been especially hard on not only her but the kids as well.

Four years or so ago, she was diagnosed with lupus amd recently mild lymphoma. Both are currently being treated with medication.

Over the weekend she took the youngest, Will, to see Santa. Will is at that age where this might be the last year that he believes in Santa. That is until he reaches that point in his adult life when he realizes that there really is a Santa Clause. Anyway, when asked what he wanted for Christmas, he asked Santa to make his mother better, because he didn’t want his mom to die. Thankfully, Santa was wise enough to tell Will that is something he could not do.

Jennifer didn’t know anything about this until the counsilor at Will’s school called her. He had been acting out in class and when she asked him what was wrong, he told her what he asked Santa for and what Santa had told him. So she and Jennifer are working though this issue with Will.

Those of you that feel so moved, would you remember Jennifer, Kate, David and Will?

Hey there Dave,
Despite our " differences", I was touched by your post. Who knows,hopefully, maybe Santa can fulfill Wills wish. In any case,THAT will be in my prayers.


Dave, your family will be in my prayers and the prayers of my church. John


Just chiming in here. Please know that your family will be in my prayers as well. Kids are amazing like that. A few years ago when my father was very sick with a strange form of cancer that is all my daughter could talk about, “why can’t God make him better.” Hard thing to understand for a little one. Fortunately, your daughter seems to be a sharp one and is on top of that issue. A parent’s love can overcome a lot of things.

My love and prayers are with you and Jennifer and the kids.

They will be in my prayers.

Yes, we will.


You and yours will be in my thoughts and prayers.


Not only will we pray for Jennifer, Kate, David, & Will, but our prayers go to your entire family.
God Bless,

My prayers are with you and your family.

Will lift you all up in prayer - amazing is the results of the prayers of children! May His will be done.
Mike K.

Count me in too, Dave. You have always been here for me and now I can help you. I beg the Lord to wrap your family in his loving, healing arms and lift all burdens from the shoulders of all of your family. Amen.

'Tis a small thing that we do but the power of prayer is awesome.

I will.

Children are precious. They will be in my prayers.

Dave my thoughts and prayers are with your daughter and her children.


As I have often said when times are tough, remember, that miracles can happen. They are ususally found just around the corner. So you must keep turning the corner and hopefully, soon your miracle will appear and you and your family will be better for it.
I have found that prayer ususally precipitates the miracle. We are all praying for you and your daughter and grandkids. Best good wishes Dave.