what is this?

I am new to a lot of this stuff so please bear with me if you see a bunch of random questions popping up all over the forum. A good friend of mine always told me “the worst question is the one never asked.” So what is this “fly swap.” I can’t figure it out. It looks like a bunch of people send in some flies to one guy. But why?

fishin’ squirt,
Michael E.

Then that person splits them up and you get one fly from everybody in the swap

It is a particular fly. EX: Wet Flies, Dries, Woolly Buggers, etc.
Everyone has their favorite, so by throwing a swap, you get a bunch of different flies to try. If 12 people join, you tie 11 of your ONE favorite pattern (all the same) and send them in with a self addressed stamped envelope of postage money for a return. The other 11 will do the same. By tying 11 in a group of 12, just means you don’t get yours back.
Really is fun and like Christmas, specially when you get in swaps where everyone is very talented.

its a friendly exchange of flies from a group of tyers, hence the name “swap”

the swap may consist of 12 swappers tying the same fly or different flies.

each tyer will tie 11 flies and send them in to a “swapmeister”

the “swapmeister” will then organize the received flies and distribute them to the swappers

when you receive them in the mail you will have a fly from each of the swappers.

Sounds awsome! To bad i’m to new to have any favorites.

Fishin’ squirt,
Michael E.

Here’s Parnelli’s take on swaps…my original ‘swapmeister’.
If you’re new to tying getting in on one of Parnelli’s swaps is a great confidence builder.