I’m new to fly tying and was wondering what the easiest fly to tie was. Any suggestions?
One of the easiest, but a great fly to learn tying techniques is the Wooley Bugger. It a fun and very effective pattern. You can also alter it with a beadhead, conehead and dumbell eyes to name a few.
Since you are new to tying go to the main page and under the menu on the left you’ll find Fly Tying. You will find late great Al Campbell’s excellent series for beginners. From there you can move to his intermediate and advanced series. Al’s emphasis is on technique - the building block of fly tying.
A woolly bugger, at least one that will last a while, is a reasonably complicated fly. Five parts including the hook at a minimum, eight the way I tie them. Now a San Juan Worm can be done with three parts (hook, thread, chenille). You can tie a thread midge with just thread and a hook.
In my opinion there are two for the easiest to tie. Al Campbells TS Blood Worm and the Lady’s Fish Finder, both very effective flies but seconds to tie. John
Foam beetle:
And san juan worm. Its just a piece of chenille tied onto a hook at the front and rear. Then lightly singe the tips of the ends to give it that real worm look.
woolly bugger.
This is probably about the easiest, but still very effective;
Woolly Buggers are not easy flies for beginners.
The Griffith’s Gnat
I would suggest a Hare & Copper. A body of dubbed hare’s fur (the messier the better) and a copper rib.
- Jeff
A Joe Brook’s Blonde is as easy as they come and a very effective fly for many fish.
This fly is called the Hart Ghost Minnow
As you can see, it’s as simple as it gets
Yesterday I was wackin’ smallies with one, one after another
Buzzer is much easier than any wooly bugger: http://learnflytying.co.uk/category/…ers-lesson-01/
By the way, the best way is to sign up for many of the fly tying courses offered by various groups including your local Trout Unlimited chapter or the Fly fishing Federation (FFF), but if you can’t attend one of those, the link to the above on line, free course, isn’t bad. Enjoy the link,
string thing
hook: your favorite
body: your favorite color thread
Thread midge
thanks that helps a lot. The buzzer looks really easy. I also saw in the al campbell series there was a t.c.t.k. that is easy also.
My first thought was to name the San Juan worm but I have to go with the chenille bug which is just a standard hook with chenille wrapped on the shank. It catches fish! 8T
Woolly bugger…maybe without the hackle. Just marabou tail, and chenille.
SHWAPF is easy too!
al’s shwapf. without a doubt.
San Juan Worm, or better yet, BEAD egg patterns.
Then Woolly Buggers and then Chironomids.
Look at the Al Campbell archives, and check into any of the Too Simple flies.