What happened to your secret fishing spot?

Hey I have a question, who still has secret fishing spots that no one else in the world knew about or so you thought?

I thought I had a secret spot. Went fishing with my friends uncle and he told me some of his friends had been fishing my secret spot since the sixties… and I thought I was the first. Yeah Right :slight_smile:

Those really good secret spots are few and far between. There probably aren’t any on public waters.

I have a hole that I like to fish on the Current River in Missouri. Not a secret place, but I consider it a little bit “mine”. Last time I fished it with my buddy, we saw where someone had been fishing with corn from the high bank. Corn is forbidden on this stretch, artificials only. The bandits left their half empty can of corn on an overhanging log and there was corn scattered all over the log. :cry:

I didn’t find a single fish in that hole. You may only keep one trout per day from this stretch…and that fish must be over 18inches. The time previous to that, I pulled three really nice brown trout from that hole.

P.S. From now on, I will be keeping my eye out for the bandits.

My seceret spot is on the Green River. As far as I can tell, no one has ever fished the hole but me. At the new bridge you have to go downstream about 4 miles, you have to wade through the river at one point because you can’t walk on the bank (too dense). After you come out of the deep hole you’ll see two sets of runs. The fishing between the two runs is unbelievable. Last time I was there I caught too many to count. And no one else knows about this spot but me. And I’m not going to share it with anyone. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I have to say that my favorite place to fish has always been invaded by people who don’t take the regulations seriously. It is a small trophy lake with no bait, no scents, and single barbless hooks regulations. I always find the round and white worm containers all over the place. Our Fish&Game department used to cover the area really well, but I have not seen an agent for some time. No, this place is no secret, but more sacred to me than anything. It took a long time to achieve the management principles that are in place and I get burned when my “fellow anglers” disregard them.

Mine was bought by some NASCAR guy who built an 8 foot fence around it. He stocks it with exotics so he can take his buddies out to and shoot something unusual. Ain’t money wonderful.


Mine is a nice stream that’s accessed by 7 mile hikes from the upstream section or via a Forest Service road that a private property owner paid someone to put a locked gate on public land, so yeah, money is great… :)) the good part is, they can’t keep anyone from hiking in…which hardly anyone does because there are no signs of the stream in question visible from the gated road. So it’s pretty much my secret,since I inquired as to the legality of hiking beyond the gate since it was Forest Service property, (yours and mine) though I have seen signs of others having been there…but…I’ve never seen anyone fishing there unless I bring them with me. So relatively speaking, it’s my secret trout stream chock full of browns and bows !

Happy New Year,


I have to admit that this past season really proved to me the sad truth that I no longer have ANY secret fishing holes left to retreat to.


I really don’t think there are very many secret spots on public property. Montana Moose’s post prety well sums up my thoughts on this. When I moved to Oregon I got both Forest Service and BLM maps and jumped in the truck and went exporing. I now know many small creeks that see little or no pressure. I believe most of us can find that “Special” not “Secret” spot if we exert enough effort.

Tim Anderson

There never are secret spots. Someone has been there before and someone will be there in the future.

One of the nice things about living along side rivers in the PNW is the fact that these rivers tend to experience large floods every few years or so. The results of these floods are ever changing rivers. This past year most of the river I fish had large floods. This means new runs to fish and old runs gone. For those that know how to read the water there will be new secret spots to fish for at least a little while until the others figure it out also.

I agree that there are probably no longer any secret spots. However, I DO fish a couple ponds that are outstanding & peaceful. No trash, crazy boaters, etc= my idea of a “secret” spot. I take only 1 friend at a time, & if any of you get to my neck of the woods, give me a holler & I can treat you to some really nice bass & bluegill fishing.

I found lots of secret spots this season. Most are tough to find; tough to get to and a pain in the butt to fish.

While I’m sure I’m not the only one who knows about them; I saw only two other fisherman in over 40 fishing trips at these various locations during the year.

That’s secret enough for me…

I have a little fishing spot that I have only seen a few people at in many years. You have to wade upstream and sometimes can be tough to get to. The last time I was fishing it I cast to an all familiar hole by a sunken log. There is always a fish there. I have tried flies, but these fish love panther martin lures and I use what catches these fish. I thought I was by myself. I did the normal look around to make sure then I cast my little spinner and hooked on of the nicer rainbows I have caught in that hole. Upon releasing it I heard, “I didn’t know there were fish like that right there!” Apparently another angler had watched me the whole time, how I cast into the hole without getting snagged and what lure I was using. Well, guess what happened the very next time I went back there, that man was right there with a stringer of fish that he was so happy to show me he had caught out of that hole. All is not lost though. I like finding new spots just like I like fishing the secret ones.

I like some places. But Im sure they are fished by others.