well, a couple days ago i got a chance to go down to Gander mountain, which is the nearest store with a fly tying section (45 minute drive). and of course as soon as i saw the fly tying section, i immediately forgot my list of things i needed and among a couple other things got another ringneck pheasant skin. so i got home and was playing around with the new feathers (completely forgetting i still had one in a drawer right next to me) and ended up finding a use for everysingle type of feather on the skin -except one. those blue or green feathers along the lower back of the pheasant, not the biggest ones right at the base of the tail, but the smaller ones. i cannot for the life of me figure out what to do with them. i use the biggest ones as part of the tail on dahlburgs and poppers occasionaly, but what do you all use the smaller ones for???
thanks for any suggestions.
If it is the one I am thinking of, you can use them as claws for crawdad patterns.
And, like always, you can use them in creative ways. No rules in this game, remember.
Gartside Sparrow.
How about this:
These have been posted before but here goes
Jack Garthside’s article on pheasant feathers and use’s
Terry Hellekson also has a good one on their uses
both really good articles
You are a total hoot!! While I was reading Ryan’s post, before I opened your link, THAT is exactly what I was thinking!!! Those little feathers make wonderful “wings”!
About what time will you be arriving here on Feb. 4th? If we are to pick you up at the airport, we will need to know about what time to be there. If you are driving in, it would be nice to know approximately what time you plan to arrive so Joe can have the food ready.
Just let us know, OK…
I love that humming bird. I’ve seen some impressive representations before similar to that. I wonder if anyone has actually tried to tie one on and fish with it. Anyone ever catch anything with one?
Fatman, Thanks for those sites. They are very informative. I’ve been looking for other things to ty to use up the whole pheasant. Jim
DDRRedneck500, thats funny, I was in one not to many days ago, (the one off of I77 just outside of Roanoke Va) and in the right hand corner of the store there it was, that ringneck pheasent skin and I almost got one and decided not to spend the money…lol I used to have one, and never did use it for much, but that skin is so atrractive to look at… It looks good on a tying bench…
Ever seen a duckling disappear in a mossy green explosion?