I just finished building a batson rx7 91/2’ seven weight. when I built the rod I bought a guide kit from Cabelas and the kit started with size four snake guides. Looking back I realized I should have went with a five or six size. do you think i should cut off the guide and re-do it with a larger sized snake guide?? Or will it not make much difference. Remeber the rod is finished…
oh yeah the stripping guides are a 20 and 12. thanks
hope this makes sense :roll:
I think I would try casting/fishing the rod and see what you think. The only time you might have a problem is if you use loop to loop connections which might hang up. On the other hand, if it’s going to bug you, just bite the bullet and redo it.
Regards Mike
Here’s a good reference chart for guide spacing and corresponding guide size:
Good Luck!
Matt that about right starting with #4, But If it bothers you and It dosnt work, redo it no big deal. Anyway what are you going to do for the next 2-4 weeks, their is still abunch of that white stuff on the ground outside :evil:.
Anyway That Rx7 is a great rod I made the 9.5 ft 7wt this year myself to, It cast like a dream. I was shooting out my whole line when I test casted it
thanks for the replies guys i ran the line through all the guides and tied it to a chair and snugged up the line and it did not seemed to pull it at a weird angle. so maybe it is not to bad.
Paguy i hear you on the snow…at least we have our daylight back 8) 8) . i can hardly wait tell breakup.
i guess it is good thing i bought a temple fork blank to work on for the next month… whats your next project?
Matt, my next project is Moving :evil: To Arkansas Just in time for breakup :evil: But I am also working on a st croix 10ft 6wt