This morning, my little 3 year old Granddaughter Tori called me & asked me to come over to play games with her. Of course, off I went to play a bowling game, Operation Brain Surgery, & a couple others. Then it was dancing to “Honky Tonk, Badonkadonk”, rough-housing, & some cuddling…THEN, Daughter Molly asked Tori to show Grandpa what she learned at “school”. That little girl stood bone straight in front of me & correctly recited the Pledge of Allegiance!!
Count me as a proud & often misty-eyed Grandpa.
Sorry, but i just HAD to brag!..and she’s just 3 years old. Next week, weather permitting, she’ll be fishing with her new (built by Jack Hise) fly rod for the first time. I will post a full report with pics.
Only in Ohio do we grow young’ns that smart. Congrats Gran pa! AHHHH the emotions a Gran pa feels, gotta love it.
You are very blessed!! Thanks for the story!
I am proud of her too! She is a chip off of the grandpa block.
For Tori:
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Blessings every day…
Mike, Wow she’s three already? It seems like only yesterday you introduced her to us here on faol. How time flys.
PS tip for Grampa… Grandchildren are the best revenge. give em a bunch of candy get them all riled up and raring to go then announce to the room at large. Well Grampa’s tired, night everybody. Let your kids deal with it. hahahahahahahahahahaha! Man I love my grandkids.
Grandpa Mike,
Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait for the pictorial of Tori’s day with Grandpa and her new rod made by Jack.
You and your family are the best!! God love ya buddy. Looking forward to some photos.
Mikey, you KNOW where I stand on little Granddaughters so you also know how great it was for me to read your story. Thank you, for posting it.
Tori sounds A LOT like my Sam, although Sam’s a bit older. So, that being the case, I can also understand why you didn’t mention the fact that Tori also BEAT YOU at “Brain Surgery”, “Bowling”, etc. and no doubt WASN’T AS WINDED, as you when the dancing stopped!?
Next week, when she also out fishes you, we definitely expect a report!
That’s EXACTLY what I do!!!..That’s why I’m known as “The last resort babysitter from HELL!” I LOVE it!!!
Jack…See you soon, & I WILL post pics of her catchin’ gills with that “Jack-a-boo”!!!
Paul…Did she call & TELL you who won?..Or who had to SIT after our dance?..that IS a “high energy” song, especially when she plays it 3 times in a row!
Gran pa’s,
Admit it, We in this wonderful group know the one big fact! Granddaughters were created to remind us just how wonderful life is! and how we could not live fully without them ( grandsons included).
Happy For Ya Gramp’s !