How would you like to get caught in this? I was coming back from a fly fishing trip in Bishop, CA saturday in a horrible wind storm. I took a side trip up Cottonwood canyon. When I drove back down I saw this on Owens dry lake. The photo doesn’t really do it justice. It reminded me of the sandstorms from two movies: Hidalgo and The Mummy. Both were awesome but made in Hollywood. This was real. I took this and several other photos from about 2 miles away and 500 feet above the lake bed. I had to downsize this from 4.33 MB to 83 KB to load it on this forum. Ya had to be there! Jim
Hey Jim,
How was the fishing in Bishop? Nasty storm this past weekend. Looks like Lone Pine was not the place to be. Thanks for the pic.
Very cool pic Jim.
Thanks for sharing.
That pic reminds me of some photos I’ve seen of dust bowl dust storms. Thank goodness we don’t have them anymore.
Seeing the size of the electrical line towers that cloud looks HUGE!
Cool looking cloud… I suppose that would be tough on paint…
We had sand falling out of the sky a few days ago… Volcano blew and we got dusted pretty good with coarse stuff. Hard on filters…
But then we got snow to cover the mess and we are good to go.