Wet flies rediscovered article

I was just reading this article on fishing wet flies. It is a very good article and followed exactly the CD I purchased at the Conclave in Arkansas last year. The CD was made by Davy Wotton and is on his web site. I would love to use this method but I will need some help. I intend on contacting Davy to see if he can show me this method on a guided trip. Should be interesting to say the least.

My grandfather taught me to fish with a fly rod over forty years ago. Fishing a wet fly “cast” was the only way he fished.
It’s still the most comfortable style of trout fishing for me.

I tend to fish wet flies, both winged and soft hackled, far more than nymphs or dries; mostly because that’s how I learned to fish. In the past few years I’ve been fishing teams of 2 or 3 as well. For river fishing, where there’s a bit of riffle and current, this can be highly productive and a lot of fun.

  • Jeff

Those are great techniques for any type of fish feeding in current not just trout. I have been playing around with those methods for stripers this past summer when fishing slowed down with teams of worm and shrimp flies and they were killer. It’s a lot of fun swinging and drifting.

:tieone: Thanks for the tip on the CD. I prmarily fish wets and streamers. Just seems to be the ones I do the best with.

What is the address for Davy Wooten’s site?

I mispelled his name. www.davywotton.com is his site. Sorry


Thanks Jim

If I read the same article (Fly Tyer, Autumn 2006) that you did, I also found it fascinating and revealing. I’ve only been tying for 6 years, but have not gotten into the winged wets yet(for no apparent reason). I read it on a plane trip to Oregon last week, and re-read it on the return flight. The ribbed, floss bodies caught my attention, and some of them are quite striking. Now it’s time to go to the bench and have some fun learning to marry wings. Oh, I’ll need to get a couple more fly boxes to store them in. Off to the fly shop…don’t tell my wife! :roll: Ha, ha, ha, ha…

OOPS! I just noticed that the article being discussed is on the FAOL Homepage, and not the FlyTyer article. Coincidental they both show up at the same time? Both are very good.


RW here,

What do you mean wet flies rediscovered? I’ve been fly fishing for 50 years and I never lost them to begin with.

Later, RW

Great article.
On par with the best “Old Flies And Stuff” articles.
Made two of each of the patterns just because they look so cool.

Wow! 50 years of casting and no lost flies… :wink:
(But we know what you meant.)

warm regards,