Well, I did it...

Around midnight tonight we left and went to a small manmade lake, around 3-5 acres large. The plan was to take my fly rod and my spinning rod. Then my wife, and my son was teasing me and told me I wasn’t catching a thing with the fly rod, and it was a good thing I was taking my spinning. So I decided not to take my spinning outfit at all. Afterall, I need to learn.

So anyways, we got there around 1, maybe 1:30am. Full moon, I couln’t see my fly at all. But I was more trying to cast than anything. My son was using a jitterbug, and I was using some fly I had kicking around, looked like a nymph of some sort. I didn’t get anything…at first;)

Then as I got casting and was stripping line (still getting the hang of that) I got a hit, so I tried to set the hook, that didn’t go to well. And I lost whatever it was. So I kept at it, and I started catching Bluegills, one…after…another:):):):):slight_smile: I’m using a 6-7 wt 8’ rod with 6wt line. So there wasn’t any fight. But I didn’t care, I was practicing. Setting the hook isn’t as easy as a spinning outfit, this fly rodding is much more difficult, but I find it much more rewarding. It’s more fun. Takes much more skill. So, I kept the fly I caught my first fish on:)

I’m totally happy, and excited. Went down to 11 degrees C tonight, so it got cold and we left early.

Oh well, enough rambling. Thanks everyone for all the help and advice, it’s starting to pay off. Oh yeah, one more thing. My leader got tangled a lot, and I had to cut and retie it 3 times, I made my own, so it wasn’t the greatest, but it worked for the tiny fish. Frustrating, but it rocked:)

Thanks again,

P.S. My sons words a few days ago when I said I was going to learn fly fishing was “It looks stupid”. Tonight, his words were “Now I have to get into fly fishing”. Haha, he caught nothing.

Your a wise man! Dedicating yourself to just using your flyrod is what I did many yrs ago. I carried my spin rod and flyrod for a time but I knew that leaving my spin rod home would help me learn how to flyfish better.
You also learned that flyfishing is a very effective way to catch fish.

Yeah…deciding to leave the spinning & bait casting rods home was difficult for me too, but leaving them behind is sort of like throwing away a crutch that is no longer needed. You go from “walking” to “running” before you know it!

Welcome to the adiction, I see the hook now is firmly set. :smiley:


There’s no turning back. You may as well get rid of the spinning rod as it will no longer see any use! :lol:

Yeah, I thought it about quickly, and figured when I got frustrated I would just turn to old faithful and put down the fly rod. So I left it. And, funny that it has been mentioned, I’m going to selling all my spinning gear, it should be able to give me enough to build myself a rod, and some good line, and I’ll learn some more. I totally love the fly rod, it’s fun, and super effective.

Still frustrating, I’m going to find someone in my area, either privately or commercially, but I’m deffinitely going to get some lessons. I’m taking this all the way for sure. Like said, the hook is set:)

It’s frustrating, and difficult, but still so enjoyable, I think of it as an art really, fly fishing to me anyways looks graceful, compared to a baitcasting outfit, so easy, just reel and and fire it out. Nothing to it.

But yeah, this kicks, I love it, and I’ll do it till the day I die! :slight_smile:



I need to warn you that fly tying is next and it is also addictive, but, oh, what fun to create your own flies that no one else can go to a store and purchase! :slight_smile:

You have started an adventure that will bring back the fun into your fishing and you will be amazed how productive fly fishing is. Fly fishing is the only way to fish and be totally relaxed and you can do it all day and it will not wear you out.



You’re SO right. I’ve already gotten the itch to tie. Been searching Ebay and whatnot, looking for a deal. If I wait, then I’ll purchase some good equipment though. But yes, you’re right, I already want to start tying:)

Looks fun, and addictive:)


Great report!

Casting in the dark can be quite challenging. I have only done it a few times, it really makes you pay close attention to all the minutiae of casting, pace, cadence, rod position, all the things that get taken for granted in daylight become very important very quickly. At least this was personal experience. But its all worthwhile for all the great fishing action that comes at night.



Took both last night also. Caught 3 on the fly and 4 on the spinner. I was in a boat with someone else so using the spinner was easier.


All I can say is KKEWL…welcome to the insanity, and I’ve gotta get out the next full moon.


Well Shane, kiss life as you know it good bye. You’re at the point of know return. lol. Yep, the tying thing is next. As far as the leader thing goes, make sure you’re using a leader that will handle the size patterns you’re using. If it’s too light, it will twist up and you’ll end up with a mess.
I’m not sure where in SW Ontario you are, but i’m in WNY, so if you’re ever down this way, give me a holler and i’ll help ya out. If you’re near the great lakes, steelheading is just around the corner…which means more rods, reels, flies, etc., lol.


Haha, no kidding. All I think about now is fly fishing haha. Problem is no where near me has any real good fishing. The river down the road isn’t all that great right now, it’s not that big, some good sized pools, but I can’t get the bass to bite anything, not since there’s always people down there stomping around:)

I was a little discouraged today, actually started to lose some of my ambition as I was looking on the sw ontario map for places close to me to fish, guess what? Nothing close haha.

I’m fairly close to London, Ontario. Thanks a lot, if I plan anything out that way I’ll definitely give ya a holler, much appreciated!!

As for leaders, I haven’t bought anything in a long time, just been making my own tied leaders, as I’m not fishing for anything large, just mainly been practicing, but today, I learned a few things, and now I want to fish:)

Thanks again,

Leaders is a nasty word it make me cry one place i orderd em store wont’t admit there on back order to me.or he lost order,:?
took too long finding out waiting for him to get his act in gear…i got em on the way from another sorce.,
if i could i would tie em my self how u do that i don’t know, for me il go online and get em.
i mised a few chances to go out cause no leaders i goofed when i got my tippet in sping why did
i not get some extra leaders?