Well here comes Gustav

Being told now we are to get 48 hours of torrential rains and flooding. Massive power outages.
Not looking good and projected right over my house now.

I’m sorry Skip, it was 107 here yesterday, better than a hurricane anyday, hope for the best.
Bob in Fresno

Our fingers are crossed and you’re in our thoughts. We’d always fill up bottles, buckets and tubs with tap water in case the power goes out to our pump, or if city water got nasty. Sounds like it’s time to move your tying stuff to high ground—Good luck Skip-



Wishing you, yours and all your neighbors the best during this ugly storm.

Keep safe & take care!

Steve Molcsan & family

Thanks guys and looks like it is just getting stronger and stronger. Thank God my house is high enough that the spillway will let water flow over long before it get here, but all the creeks and bridges will most likely flood. So will not be going any where for a while.

Got gas for the Gen and a 50 gallon tub for flushing. Got plenty of good drinking water. So we are as ready as we can get and just hope for the best. Hope the elect doesn’t go out as long as it did with Rita as that was 11 days and 7 without water.


Don’t forget the can opener!!

And for Heavens sake … please don’t be the hero! If they say the storm is coming at you, LEAVE.

Betty will be evacuating to South Dakota on Wednesday. Clearly she is one lady to take her own advice… :wink:



Hope all held together…

We got lucky with this one. We got some wind and rain (not near as much as they thought), but never lost power. Some around here did, but our neighborhood got lucky.

Got limbs down, but no damage and looking good now. Still raining, but not so much to be bad.

Thanks all,
