Weely Fraser Valley Sport Fishing Column

Fishing report for to March 16 to 23, 2009

After last weeks column and my plug for the Fraser Valley Boat & Sportsman’s Show, I received questions from my readership as to what stood out in my mind. While not much changed I was impressed with a reduction in prices on much of the novice and intermediate level equipment. There are buys out there this year so keep your eyes open. Over and above bargain prices, I found two new comers that impressed me: KUFA Sports, distributors of KUFA rods and reels. I found their rods offered a good balance between performance and an affordable price, which makes them a good match for working folks like me. The other new comer is Galilee Fly & Tackle. I was impressed with their service ethic and hours. Located in Langley I encourage you to check them out, and while you are at it ask them how they came by there name?

Back to our study.

Art Lindgen, our own undisputed number one BC fly fishing historian, released his first book; “Roderick Haig-Brown Fly Patterns,” in 1984. The fifteen copies of this highly prized collectors item were produced by Art himself, with the first copy presented to Haig-Brown’s wife Ann.

Other books produced on our famous fishery in 1984 were: “And When You Go Fishing,” by Ron Nelson and “Kispiox, A River of Dreams,” by Fay Davis.

1985 saw the release “The Gilly.” This highly sought after book is a collection of articles by well known BC angling experts: Doug Porter, Tim Tullis, Mike Maxwell, Barry Thornton, Brain Cahn, Jim Crawford, Denise Maxwell, Ralph Shaw, Tom Murrary, Peter Caverhill, Ehor Boyanowsky, and Alf Davy.

More of our history next week.

Our lower elevation lower mainland lakes are fishing slow to fair. The water is still quite cold so exercise patients with those sluggish fish. Try Chironomid, Bloodworm, Nations Black, Baggy Shrimp, Zulu, Micro Leach, Halfback, Big Black, or Dragonfly Nymph; trolled or retrieved dead slow.

The Fraser River backwaters and sloughs are fishing well for cutthroat and dolly varden. For cutthroat try: Eggo, Flesh Fly, Rolled Muddler, Tied Down Minnow, Clouser’s Deep Minnow, Bucktail, Mickey Finn, Winter Stone, Coachman, American Coachman, Lioness, Zulu, Souboo, Big Black, Micro Leach, or Sixpack. For dolly varden try: large (#4 to #1) Flesh Fly, Eggo, Bucktail, Rolled Muddler, Zonker, Big Black, or Kaufmann’s Black Stone.

The Vedder River is fair for rainbow, dolly varden, and steelhead. For rainbow try: Eggo, Kaufmann’s Black Stone, Elk Hair Caddis, Tom Thumb, Zulu, Fire Ball, Irresistible, Adams, Renegade, Grasshopper, or Stimulator. For Steelhead try: Big Black, Flat Black, Squamish Poacher, Thor, Polar Shrimp, Popsicle, pink Eggo, Happy Hooker, or Kaufmann’s Black Stone.

The Harrison is good for cutthroat, rainbow, and whitefish. For cutthroat try: Eggo, Rolled Muddler, Tied Down Minnow, Clouser’s Deep Minnow, Bucktail, Winter Stone, Coachman, American Coachman, Fire Ball, Lioness, Zulu, Black Gnat, Souboo, or Sixpack. For whitefish try: small (size #16 to 12) Eggo, black Micro Leach, black Wooly Bugger, Winter Stone, or Flesh Fly.

The Chehalis River is slow for rainbow, and steelhead.

The Stave River is fair for cutthroat, rainbow, and whitefish.

The Squamish River is slow for rainbow, cutthroat, and dolly varden.

Until the next time, “Keep your fly in the water”.