Sport fishing column for Feb 7 to 14, 2011
Last week we opened the subject of having an objective to your sport fishing endeavors. An objective is able to motive, inspire, encourage, and stimulate, one to fulfilling a goal or purpose. This past week I read of an angler who demonstrates this definition perfectly, Manitoba’s Gerry Beck.
Starting twenty one years ago, when Manitoba began recording qualifying fish, 81 year old Beck has earned his provinces Master Angler Diamond title. He is one of only two anglers in his province who have qualified for this designation, by landing over twenty different species, (resident in Manitoba waters) in the trophy size category. To make it more challenging he did it by fly fishing.
Do you want to accomplish something out of the ordinary? It doesn’t happen by sitting on the couch; watching someone on the television playing the game. No you have to step up to the plate and put in the time. I am sure that Gary can tell you that over sixty years of study, endless hours of fly tying, hours of exercise, and more than 500 fishing books in his personal library all testify, that the prizes go to those who put their heart in the game.
The report
Our lower mainland lakes are fishing well. Try a slow retrieve or troll with: Big Black, Woolly Bugger, Micro Leach, Bloodworm, Chironomid, Sixpack, Dragonfly Nymph, Halfback, Doc Spratley, Buggy shrimp, or Zulu.
Our lower mainland beach and estuary fisheries are fair to good for sea-run cutthroat. Try: Epoxy Minnow, Tied Down Minnow, Muddler Minnow, Clouser’s deep Minnow, Lioness, Grizzly King, Mickey Finn, Coachman, Knudson’s Spider, Zulu, Purple Joe, or Borden Special.
The Fraser River and soughs are good for cutthroat and dolly varden. For cutthroat try: Rolled Muddler, Mickey Finn, Eggo, Tied Down Minnow, Epoxy Minnow, Winter Stone, Flesh Fly, Professor, Lioness, Coachman, Zulu, Chez Nymph. For dolly Varden try: Large (#4 to #1) Eggo, Dolly Whacker, Bucktail, Epoxy Minnow, Big Black, Muddler, or Zonker.
The Vedder River is good for steelhead, dolly varden and rainbow, by the weekend. For steelhead try: big Black, Popsicle, Steelhead Nightmare, Polar shrimp, GP, Thor, Squamish Poacher, Kaufmann Stone, Purple Peril, or Eggo. For rainbow try: Rolled Muddler, Mickey Finn, Eggo, Flesh Fly, Kaufmann Black Stone, Black Gnat, Zulu, Chez Nymph, Big Black, Sixpack, or Renegade.
The Stave River is fair to good for steelhead, rainbow and cutthroat.
The Chehalis River is good for steelhead and cutthroat.
The Harrison River is good for cutthroat, and rainbow.
Hatch Match’r Fly and tackle is offering cutthroat & sturgeon fishing seminars during Feb and March; call 604-467-7118 for details and registration.
You can find more at “The Reel Life Press” by Jeff Weltz