weed guards

Have posted this on the Saltwater thread , but thought I might have some answeres from tyers of some bass and bluegill flys,

“am going to Ambergris caye in Belize end of Feb. and have been advised by a bonefisherman
there to have some crazy charlies, clousers, gotcha’s with weed guards on them.
My question is what should I use for guard material 10,15 20# mono. should I use the continuous loop method, one strand to the hook point or the two splayed to the sides method?? I don’t have any experience tying weed guards in. Any help appreciated.”

Bill Dorgeloh
Fredericksburg, VA


I use lots of weedguards on bass flies.

I only use the continuous loop method.

I try to use the absolute lightest material for the weedguard that will work. Usually 15 pound test is sufficient for most of my flies, while I may go up to 20 pound for heavier subsurface flies that may be thrown into really heavy cover. I use ‘cheapy’ mono from the big box store for this, as it’s not as stiff as the ‘hard mono’ stuff and I hook more fish with it.

No bonefish experience, though. Did you ask the source that suggested this what kind of guards they are using?


the person said most of his were the two strands splayed.
Wonder if you put a crimp in the mono before tying it in at the head.


I sometimes ‘crimp’ the line. It ll depends on how big the hook eye is and what size tippet the fly will use.

If I have plenty of room, I don’t bother with the crimp.

If I’m afraid it will be ‘tight’, then I first trap the guard line with a couple of thread wraps, pull it out in front of the eye, crimp it with a pair of heavy needle nosed pliers, then draw it back into position, fold it back, trim it, and tie it off. What you want to do is ‘flatten’ the line as much as you can, and this takes a serious set of pliers to do well.


Have tried several and practice will make perfect.

Thanks for all your help

tons of weedguard tying info here


even some youtube videos