WB'S RRP - FOTW #2 - May 09, 2011


This is a pattern that I have fished in a lot of Montana waters with good luck. It can be tied from 14?s down to 20?s I have fished it as a caddis emerger in 14?s and as a midge pattern in 20?s, it just produces.

Wayne Brown is a 1st-time contributor to FAOL’s “Fly Of The Week”, with his “WB’ RRP (Red Ribbed Peacock)” fly pattern article. Interesting beadhead nymph pattern, that is worth dressing up some to try on the water of this year’s fishing season. ~Parnelli


Great looking pattern. Looks like it would ring the dinner bell for the fishies all right. As a wet fly type of guy, I can’t help but wonder if a wrap or two of a soft hackle feather behind the bead wouldn’t increase it’s effectiveness. I may have to try the original and the variant in the Idaho and Montana rivers this year. Nicely dressed fly.