ways to use....

hello everyone, i was wondering how do you use sculpin wool, do you twist it into a rope, make a dubbing,
just tie down and wrap as is or…? any and all ideas would help.

Charlie Craven has a pretty good tutorial for a Woolhead Sculpin:

There’s a number of videos out there, as well.


Kind of hard to describe in words but I’ll try. Any video’s out there can give the basic technique in a few short minutes.

If you’ve spun deer then think of using wool like a bunch of deer hair (that meaning the fibers basically all in parallel). Only instead of laying the fibers parallel to the hook ALONG the hook, you hold them to the front of the eye (but still parallel to the hook) and slide the eye right down the center of the wool fibers, then wrap a few tight wraps to secure. After few wraps are holding the wool in place, take the ends that sticking out past the eye and bend them all back like you would a bullet head. Then apply the next bunch in the same manner, until you reach the eye. Pack backward as you would deer hair as much as can. After the last bunch, bring your thread to the front and tie off. Trim wool to desired shape.

Wool is so much easier than deer hair, and is actually fun to work with. Less messy as well.