Castwell, Congratulations for losing the tobacco habit. Though never a smoker myself, as a lung doctor I see first hand everyday the cost of smoking and the difficulty most have in quitting. You are are already past the nicotine withdrawal phase but the habit nonetheless remains a skeleton in the closet - Please keep that door locked. I as a faithful reader love your curmudgeonly ways and you and Ladyfisher’s passion for our sport and the glimpses of heaven where we play. Well done!
Been there and done that. On oxyen for 6 years also have copd.
Love the sport and love faol. You are great for the sport.
Wish I had found you people sooner.
My wife and I quit smoking together about 25 Years ago. So if You ever have doubts about it we are living proof.
I have the oxygen machine in the house and have portable liquid units for out and about. I even go fly fishing with my portable and my hose in the nose.
True mass confusion when trying to manage everything and land a fish and watch the german shepherd all at the same time. Hang in there and keep up the good reads.
Love and peace to you and yours
JC. Wow! Good for you Jim. Its not easy to do. I know because my wife went thru it shortly after we were married 25 years ago. I quit 58 years ago. I was 6 at the time. ( It was after my first drag ) just didn’t aquire a taste for it. Plus all the choking wasn’t very fun either.
If you ever think of lighting up again Please read lloydnichols post again. I’d hate to see you or anyone else have to go thru what he is going thru.
lloyd all I can say is Good on ya for persevering in the face of all those challenges. Especially good on ya for quitting and sticking to it for 25 years.
Great article and congrats to all who have quit. Thanks for sharing your experiences. I just had my teen and pre-teen read the article and this thread. Every little bit of reinforcement as to why to not start this habit helps.
After acquiring the cigarette habit in Viet Nam, used them to burn off leeches, I stopped smoking many times. A couple years back I quit. Something about rattling in my lungs when I tried to sleep, coughing my lungs up when I tred breathing and my fly fishing vest smelled of stale cigarette smoke cause I stashed the butts in the vest when smoking while fishing.
Should you ever have a serious desire to restart the habit, call me. I will jump in the car and drive to Poulsbo and administer a swift kick to your posterior region. Then we can have a bowl of LF’s homemade soup and cookies. I do expect you to return the favor should I ever call upon your services.
i quit after not being able to smoke in the ambulance and the emergency room after my heart attack in 1995. actually had a cigarette waiting for the ambulance to arrive!
havent smoked since and cant stand the smell. man i used to smell like an ashtray!
Next Monday, on my birthday, it will be three years! I was a “social” smoker. Only when I had a handful of beers, a habit I had for a long time. I could go for weeks without, then someone would suggest we stop after a meeting for a couple of beers. One of us would buy a pack, usually leaving it on the bar when we left. Still, it was amazing watching my health slowly recover. Keep it up, JC. JGW