Water temps. and trout

I have read somewhere the different prefered water temps for trout. I know there is a temp when the fishing is bad, when nymphing starts, and when it gets good for a dry fly. Also, when it gets too warm. Anyone have an idea? My target fish is the brookie, but info for all trout would be appreciated. Thanks guys.

heres a start


Bill’s guide to trout:

If they rise I will (maybe) use a dry fly and most likely an emerger.

If they aren’t rising I will use a sub-surface fly for sure.

End of story :slight_smile:

I guess it should be more a measure of “At what temps do certain bugs hatch”. I’d bet that varies a LOT with time of year, moon cycle, etc.


Trout are very adaptable creatures.

The ‘best’ temperature for Trout, Boookies included, varies considerably from place to place. You’ll have to figure it out for your particular waters…maybe talk to other fishermen in your area or just go fishing a lot and keep records of it…

Unlike bass, you can’t just take the water temp and know where they will be or what they will be doing…


Hello terry13111, well it looks like the old addage, ‘to ask a question is to know half
the answer’ rings true. You’ll get more good
opinions here I hope but here’s a couple of sources I found by googlin’ around.


and this beauty…


Hope some of that helps. As a general rule, stop trout fishing when water temps go above 70F…that seems to be a consensus from what I’ve read and observed.

