Watch ESPN Sports Center today

Was watching ESPN Sports Center today (Monday, February 16) and their Show Outside the Lines did an excellent expose on Project Healing Waters and the difference fly fishing has made in the lives of these folks. I encourage you to turn it on this morning and watch it. Sports Center runs hourly on ESPN during the mornings and the expose is on at about the 50 minute mark of the 90 minute broadcast. If you want to watch it online you can find it at You may have to watch a commercial or two but it is worth it! Check it out if you have a few minutes, it just may make your day!

Thanks for the tip, the show is on at noon in the Tacoma, WA area.

Larry —sagefisher—

Thanks for the update on this show. I am sure it will be worth watching.

Thanks for the link. I watched it and have tears in my eyes as I am typing.

Good catch and most definately a must watch…I have a new primary charity…