Steven made some comments of the storm to the effect of this is what winter used to be in many places…yes I know some places got more than their share, but it made me wonder, how much hype does the media really give on storms like this? Or other situations? Sure we want folks to be prepared and safe, but was this one really the storm of the century? (Steven pointed out the century is pretty young actually.)
We were surprised to have the severe cold for Arizona and no the folks here aren’t prepared to 28 degrees and colder. How about in your neighborhood?
I think the big reason the media hyped it so much was because of atypically harsh winter weather in areas unused to it. Here in SWPA, we actually got off pretty easily, being tucked in just under the bottom edge of the system. As the storm came in, we actually got two days of unseasonably WARM temps (high 30s, low 40s). They forecasted freezing rain and up to 1/2" of ice buildup, but it never happened, as the ground was warm enough to keep rain liquid. So we basically got a 2 day thaw, followed by a cool down back to typical temps and light snow flurries.
On the flip side, however, as a Yinzer, I’ve been following the goings-on in Dallas, and they were actually colder and snowier than us for a few days this past week! While part of me likes to poke fun at their being unused to it, another part hopes that everyone stays safe, as a few inches of snow there would be like a few feet here, in terms of preparedness. I guess Green Bay and Pittsburgh just had to bring a little big of home with them.
I’m with Parnelli. Living a few hours north of where I do now, I remember most winters would see a week about this time each year where the temps would drop below zero and not break zero during the day for the whole week. You knew it was going to happen and prepared for it. You had a block or other type of heater you could plug in to keep the engine warm enough to start. You added 5 gallons of #1 diesel to 100 gallons of regular old #2 diesel to keep it from gelling on you. I can go on and on. Just little common sense stuff that you did and no one felt sorry for you if you were not smart enough to do it. The TV station used to remind folks to do these things when winter was settling in.
Here in the Denver area, we are blessed with one of the best TV stations in the country, KUSA Channel 9. However, when they bring in intern reporters from around the country, they need to put those from the warmer states on something besides traffic reporting during a snow storm. A skiff of snow is suddenly a life threatening blizzard and travel on the streets will cause imminent death. The dire warnings cause those who have moved to the area to live to avoid learning how to handle the snow and plug up the works worse than a bath towel in the toilet.
No one is reminded of the common sense things to do to keep you and your property safe. Instead, we are all warned that we are all about to turn into frozen treats for polar bears.
Was it cold here? Yes, it was. Was it slippery? Yes, it was. My wife had a bad fall Monday and is just now starting to get around again. Was it dangerous? Only for those that listened to the news media instead of applying a little common sense.
As USUAL, in order to get YOUR/OUR attention, an Armageddon was predicted. And again , as USUAL, that did not occur. At least their predictions of a serious storm DID prepare most of us for any eventuality. Here in NE Illinois, we did have a whole bunch of snow but certainly nowhere near what was HYPED. The dire predictions cost me noithing so, no harm, no foul.
Yinz might have had an I.C. and a jumbo but the rest of us got a bit of a storm. Nuthin unusual mind you but we did get almost an inch of ice on top of 3 additional inches of snow. Lost power for about 5 hours. Winds picked up last night but died down today. All depended on location in relation to the mountains I guess.
Finally having a normal winter here but the media hypes it because that sells copy. The mundane everyday boring stuff doesn’t sell for them. Your National Weather Service hypes it as well.
We got between 15" and 19" of snow depending on your exact location. Had it all occured on the same date it would have beern a record but it was over two calender days though less than 24 hours. Strong winds drifted all previously opened driveways closed. Tthe plow plug for several feet back at the end of my driveway was up to my navel and really packed tightly. Locally they are going back to 1978 to find a storm to compare it to. That said, I was all right until the engine on my snowbowler locked up permanently. I’m looking at a new engine tommorow after I finished clearing the drive by hand tonight.
I replaced the wimpy worn out 8 horse engine on my old John Deer snowblower with one of the 13 horse electric start engines from Harbor Freight. It took a little fiddling with new pulleys and belts but it will chuck a small dog across the street now.
i said it before in another post that the wichita eagle had us near armegedon. snowfall was about 5", it was and still is cold, 12F right now. big storm? not here!!
Rainbowchaser got more snow on the west side of MI than we did here on the east side. It was a nasty storm but not the worst. I think the whole national kit and kabotal was a big storm but not the worst there has been. Anyway, I don’t do winter steelies anymore and bird season is closed. Who cares whats going on outside. I’ll wait for spring.
Kevin have you had good luck with the harbor freight engines? I’m looking at one because of the price but I’m a little leary of the 90 day warrenty. For twenty dollars more I can get an engine with slightly more dispacement and a two year warrenty just down the road from me. Either way I have to adopt the 3/4" inch shaft to my 1’ pully.
What storm? Us old guys and gals have all seen worse. The new kids doing the reporting just don’t have any real storm experience like we do.
Why, when I was a boy walking to school through the waist high snow, the wind blowing hard enough to blow the bark off of an oak tree, and colld enough to freeze… Did I mention the brass monkey.
Like Rainbow, I live on the western side of Michigan but down near Indiana. We got 14-18" of snow but the wind only got up to 25 mph. I’ve lived here for 25+ years and this storm would only rank in the bottom of the top ten snowstorms I’ve experienced here in that time. My son’s inlaws live in a western suburb of Chicago; they got more than two feet (I’ve seen pics)- their lake effect snow turned on during the system snow so it was quite heavy in parts of Chicago metro but like Lake Effect, if you’re in the snowband you’ll swear it’s a blizzard - you could be a block over and not get much to speak of. I think the weathermen got excited because it was an enormous system which affected a lot of people.
Might I suggest part of the hysteria is due to the CNN/Weather Channel factor. When us older guys were kids we got about 10 minutes of weather on TV per day. 15 if you watch early morning, but one day Mr. Turner decided we should watch news and weather 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Along the line it became entertainment not just news, their advertisers watched the rating like everyone else’s did. The reporter got more attractive; cute young ladies with good legs and science degrees replaced retired Navy and Air Force meteorologist with years of experience. The more they talk about the weather system the bigger it gets and sometimes they don’t have a clue what they are talking about.
A few years ago, we had some relatively minor flooding around Atlanta, the TV shot showed some cow standing in a flood pasture. The anchor said “Look at those poor water buffaloes.” And that’s the truth.
Wow, raining here NW Wa. No really, its raining.
We got a lot of ice on Monday through Tuesday across central Ohio. By Tuesday evening it was raining and the temp was right at freezing with winds picking up. About 11pm Tuesday a limb in my neighbors tree broke from the wind and ice and severed a power line running along the back property lines killing power to a string of houses on our side of the street. We reported it through the automated system (the ONLY way they have) when it happened. The neighbor said the next day that he reported it as well and I finally got through to a real person yesterday to let them know there is a broken line still laying on the ground with the other end running up t o the transformer. The other end of the severed line is hanging off the tip of a branch just out of reach running up to the pole that feeds my house. This morning , I woke up again to a house in the upper 30’s I’m still waiting for the power company to come out. The good news is the house is as cold as the fridge should be. A kerosene heater in the basement will keeps the pipes from freezing.
You speak the language well!
Mighta gone out for a few arns and a sammich dahn at Permanee’s during the storm.